Facebook and Instagram to Offer Subscription for No Ads in Europe | Meta
To comply with evolving European regulations, we're introducing a new subscription option in the EU, EEA and Switzerland.

I had turned targeted ads off, on Facebook and Instagram. I still got ads but they were not targeted based on my data. I could live with that

Today I got a popup requiring me to pick an option of either accepting targeted ads or pay the equivalent of €13/$14 for an addfree experience across all meta platforms.

Well, the third option is there too and seems the best: don’t use Facebook/meta at all.

The statement reads well, and I’ll take them at their word, but if an algorithm exists to show you “relevant” content, they’re collecting data and using it keep you on the platform.

This has been my issue with ‘social media’ for the past ten(?) years. As soon as Instagram switch the default from chronological to what it thinks you want to see, it’s continued to be more and more shitified (so much that I no longer use it).

The beauty of the early days of social media was that it was real-time. I could see who was doing what right now. I could see what establishments were hosting events tonight. Instead, these platforms decided it was more to their benefit to show posts it thinks will keep you on the platform longer - to show you more ads. For me, this lead to finding out days later that things have happened I would have like to have done.

Wall Street run Social Media is garbage. Businesses, organizations, governments, etc., need to go back to publishing content on their own websites (or the Fediverse) and enabling RSS feeds.


They don’t even try to claim they’ll stop collecting your data. No one actually cares about seeing a targeted vs non-targeted advertisement; the targeting technology is the issue.

Paying Facebook $14 a month and still being tracked, just invisibly, solves nobody’s problem.

Giving them payment information makes it even easier to track you too.


To add more context to it -

Meta is actually trying to comply circumvent EU’s strict privacy policy.

Recently, The EU’s top court said in July that Meta must first get consent before showing ads to users - a ruling that jeopardises the company’s ability to make money by tailoring advertisements for individual users based on their online interests and digital activity.

Source: https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/10/03/meta-could-charge-facebook-and-instagram-users-in-eu-to-go-ad-free-to-comply-with-privacy-


But it’s not ads in general I personally am opposed. It’s the fact that they have removed the option to show untargeted ads. I personally don’t mind ads but now they force either parsonalized ads or subscription

It was not their livelihood that was at stake, but the potential for more profit

I choo-choo-choose uBlock Origin.

Well, your decision to finally leave that hellhole is overdue then.

This is more than likely illegal in the EU…

As far as I know they are only doing it in EU as a response to a new law the EU had enforced on them.

It’s not a new law. The GDPR has been around for years, but meta only recently lost a legal case saying that they cannot contractually force users to provide their data in exchange for access to the service.

But the GDPR also says consent has to be freely given, some interpet this as meaning that forcing people to pay in order for their data not to be used for ads is not freely given consent.


Yeap, this is not legal and just round two in the fight META vs EU. The pop-up banner forcing you to opt-in or pay is Zucks way of giving europeans the middle finger. This will likely have to be reversed, but Meta speculates on users giving them the permission to continue collecting data before it happens. It will hurt meta more than europeans. Just do nothing for a while and try not using the apps until they remove the banner. They can’t risk losing engagement for too long because of advertisers.

This is more than likely illegal in the EU…

You should delete your account as mentioned here. The second step is creating a new account and pretending you’re under 18. It will be free without targeted ads.

Repeat the process periodically.


Option 3 : Delete your FB profile, and live peacefully ever after 😀

The issue is, that Facebook is the main means of communication for family, friends, work and hobbies.

Then it is high time to change this. It won’t get any better - it will get worse.


Is the switch to Mastodon a possibility for you?

For me sure, but the people I communicate with, I doubt it. I have transitioned to Lemmy pretty easily from reddit. But Reddit was fairly annonimous. I feel more stuck to Facebook because the iRL people I know are there


Does anyone still even use Facebook? Aside from boomer parents? TikTok, not THAT’S a data mining platform!

Quite a few people I know ranging in age from 20s to 40s do. There isn’t really a replacement with its defining characteristics:

  • One-to-many blog-like posts
  • Mostly for interactions between people who actually know each other
  • Most people have an account and at least occasionally check it

It’s that last point nothing else can match. If I post something to Facebook, most people I know have a chance of seeing it. Five people I actually know follow me on Mastodon.

For me, it’s the main means of communication both for family, friends, hobbies and even work!

I choose option three.

To fully delete your Facebook account, you would need to go through Facebook’s account deletion process. I can guide you through the steps:

  1. Click on the account menu down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page in your web browser.
  2. Select ‘Settings & Privacy’, then click ‘Settings’.
  3. Look for the ‘Your Facebook Information’ section.
  4. Click on ‘Deactivation and Deletion’.
  5. Choose ‘Permanently Delete Account’, then click ‘Continue to Account Deletion’.
  6. Follow the instructions to confirm the deletion.

Remember that once your account is deleted, it cannot be recovered. If you wish to keep the data, make sure to download a copy of your information before deleting your account.

If you’re logged in, you can directly go to the deletion page using this link: Delete My Account

Just copy and paste the URL into your web browser’s address bar. Note that you may need to log in to Facebook again to access this page.

The deletion isn’t automatic/immediate if I recall correctly? If you accidentally log in within 30 days, they cancel deletion automatically.

As I understand it, even after that they keep your data, just you can’t access it anymore.


Oh my God you have to pay for a service you use?

The scandal! The outrage! The horror!


That pricing is clearly insane and unreasonably high


Then don’t use it. I don’t use Facebook every day.


People who want to use FB every day (that doesn’t include me) shouldn’t have to choose between targeted ads, and excessively high pricing.

They could have continued non-targeted ads or made the pricing reasonable


People who want to use Facebook can pay, deal with ads, or just not use the site. This isn’t some huge scandal and nothing is really wrong here


Why are you on c/Privacy when you don’t seem to care about data tracking and forced targeted ads?


Because I browse the root website and don’t pay any attention to the sub communities. Are you wanting to speak exclusively to like minded individuals who never criticize or oppose your thoughts?


Fair enough I suppose, just expect backlash here when you’re advocating for Meta arguably shitty things

Well personally I don’t mind them showing ads. I do want them to not spy on me to have them be targeted. It’s where I draw the line.

I choose violence.

You choose well, padewin.

Let the force flow through your ddos botnet

You don’t know the power… of the Dark Web.


Don’t tell me it has CP like Facebook short videos?

Oh man I get to pay AND have my data taken? Collected by the corporation and stolen by hackers? What an amazing company, truly the leaders of the future of the web Meta is

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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