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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


I never found one I liked as much tbh

Fair enough I suppose, just expect backlash here when you’re advocating for Meta arguably shitty things

Why are you on c/Privacy when you don’t seem to care about data tracking and forced targeted ads?

People who want to use FB every day (that doesn’t include me) shouldn’t have to choose between targeted ads, and excessively high pricing.

They could have continued non-targeted ads or made the pricing reasonable

Lemmy & Voyager’s dev, and Mozilla,

I’ve been doing this and like it but, it’s been crashing a lot in the background and draining battery

I suspect they would if it was regulated they had to (and the fines they’d get if they don’t were sufficiently large). And the experience of simply not seeing ads could be worth a few bucks anyway

But yes, I don’t particularly trust Meta, nor value their services enough to pay $

Yea ad-based services should provide paid, ad-free alternatives imo, but this pricing is a joke

Except the browser isn’t the only thing that needs to have revenue, websites also do, so buying a browser upfront doesn’t negate the need for ads

My understanding is the only one of those with a decent privacy policy is Photos

Signal seems like an obvious choice over Telegram if privacy is the exclusive priority.

I do love Telegram tho for the ability to send full-quality photos/videos, log-on with 2+ phones simultaneously, visual customization, etc

Do you suspect there are still benefits to doing this then?

Wow insane that carriers have the power to affect that

In Canada that wouldn’t be an issue

Snapchat is easily my least fav messaging app but yea, crazy popular where I am

People even use it as their main camera lol

Are there any downsides to Molly vs vanilla app?

Is Signal known for being resource hungry? I’ve never noticed tbh

They’re all kinda shit for privacy so I prefer to choose based on who locks me into their ‘ecosystem’ the least, which I’d argue is Google

Lol yea I’ve gotten a lot of responses like that, I’ve just accepted that most group chats will force me to use Instagram/FB Messenger

Anyone know exactly what they could see if you’re on a personal device but work-wifi?

Privacy policy looks decent in the app stores. Not as good as Signal/Telegram but better than a lot of the other apps it could replace

Would this be a good thing to mix with a TrueNAS/NextCloud for secure remote access? Or not really meant for that?

Yea 2FAS is my fav on both iOS and Android

Ye that’s how i feel. I scarcely send anything that I’m truly worried about and when I do, I’ll use their Private Chats or Signal

P.s. I also love Telegram stickers tbh. Silly I know but they’re great

Cause telegram has better UX, supports logging in on my 2 phones, can send uncompressed larger files, more appearance customization, etc

I love Signal too but Telegram is also great

Everyone here is a c/privacy die hard

Telegram’s UX is basically the best on every platform it’s on. Plus large uncompressed file supports

Telegram can be E2E, no reason to switch to Meta’s app for it

Yep, E2E isn’t sufficient to ignore it being made by Meta, I def still trust Telegram more

Haha yea by best friend despises the idea for no rational reason

Some people eh haha

I semi forced my partner to move to Telegram instead of Facebook Messenger to chat with me, but aside from that I kinda just accepted their own decisions

More for security than privacy, I also set up a Bitwarden account for them so they stopped ussing the same password on everything lol

Yea I get that from some people. I just say “well this app is better and more secure/privacy oriented. It’s most of what I use so if you want faster responses that’s what I’d recommend”

I try to encourage basically everyone I’m friends with to move to Telegram or Signal to talk to me. If they don’t, they get slower responses 🤷 I don’t open it regularly

Remind myself of the 80/20 idea (or something like that)

20% of the effort gets you 80% there. Easy things like using Firefox instead of Chrome, Signal/Telegram instead of FB messenger/Whatsapp, managing cookies and opting out of tracking options is already doing a lot more than most people.

Anyone feel this has any particular advantage over BitWarden?

Does the app have the ability to send uncompressed videos/files?

I miss that feature from Telegram when I use Signal

Yea of all the things to keep private, my music listening habits isn’t one of them. Tbh the algorithms give me good recommendations

I basically forced everyone to message me on Signal & Telegram cause fuck Meta (people my age in Canada desperately wants to talk on Instagram for some reason)

I tend to lean toward Android simply because it gives me more control/options instead of completely relying on Apple’s promise that they care

E.g. I like that I can use NeoStore for FOSS apps instead of the google Play store

I AdBlock per-site, everything white listed by default

This bullshit would be an definite enable-adblock

Best chromium browser?
I main Firefox but, want a Chromium browser for Android/Windows that I can use occasionally. What are your preferred choices? Edit: okay I tested out a lot of your suggestions and found Vivaldi to by my favourite so far :) thanks y'all