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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023

How safe are grammar editing tools?
Without naming names, there's a well advertised grammar editing tool that's available either as an app download or browser extension. This is something I'd value for a number of reasons (good grammar is important!) but I'm super cautious about anything I'm giving permission to watch what I'm typing. Ideally, I'd prefer to select text and have it analyzed on-demand using on-device intelligence. I'm on a Mac and it seems like Pages isn't cut out to check grammar. Also, there's no way in heck I'm paying $30 a month for a subscription. Edit: I just want to acknowledge my request for something I'd value and then saying I don't want to pay for it. I would certainly pay for something if it met my needs but this function isn't something I'd personally value at $30 a month or any monthly subscription ($30 a year sounds reasonable). Moreover, if there's any suspicion of an application using my data for their own profit, they are not getting my money. So, in this case, *for the sake of data privacy*, I would prefer to pay for something (preferably once - grammar shouldn't need updating).

The statement reads well, and I’ll take them at their word, but if an algorithm exists to show you “relevant” content, they’re collecting data and using it keep you on the platform.

This has been my issue with ‘social media’ for the past ten(?) years. As soon as Instagram switch the default from chronological to what it thinks you want to see, it’s continued to be more and more shitified (so much that I no longer use it).

The beauty of the early days of social media was that it was real-time. I could see who was doing what right now. I could see what establishments were hosting events tonight. Instead, these platforms decided it was more to their benefit to show posts it thinks will keep you on the platform longer - to show you more ads. For me, this lead to finding out days later that things have happened I would have like to have done.

Wall Street run Social Media is garbage. Businesses, organizations, governments, etc., need to go back to publishing content on their own websites (or the Fediverse) and enabling RSS feeds.