Gabe Newell’s brother.

Working as budget forum jester 9-5

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


I wouldn’t trust any part of its hardware and software to store anything worth encrypting on it

For now I just have piped to save playlists in (you dont even need an account for that) but every instance I’ve tried goes dark more and more often each month. Great alternative and I wish all the best to everyone working on it, including the hosters but Freetube works pretty much without issues for many months now.

Oh man I get to pay AND have my data taken? Collected by the corporation and stolen by hackers? What an amazing company, truly the leaders of the future of the web Meta is

Reminds me of Microsoft’s “1,000,000 PCs can’t be wrong” or whatever it was when they started pushing windows 10 to 7 users

honestly I just run a game and go watch a vid till it starts, sometimes multiple vids if there was an update.

That or I just skip it, actually it doesn’t lag that much from skipping half of the time

Yeah their anticheat and I think the newest cod one too,whatever its name was. saw a list some months ago.

…isn’t this how they always worked? How every anticheat worked? At leaat it doesn’t install to your kernel…yet.

How else would they uhhh…“improve the database” then

(/s just in case)

You can just replace with for that.

However id recommend you sticking with youtube links - as awesome as it is piped doean’t work 24/7, thanks to google/yt

Lol isn’t eTrash considered a scam anyways? They are the reason i got ad blocker - dumbest ads on youtube 24/7.

Anyways sounds like you gotta be quite brave to use Brave lol

Id say this is a new low, but they might have gone even lower already

I love having an online account that stores all my data. Of course the company would give anything the next leak to protect it

Oh man, this might change few things in my system, how did i not know about this earlier

That’s cool, does it have any purpose than just advertise linux gaming? Which I’m def happy it’s doing, but I’m wondering whats the idea here.

Update, found whats up, there are other pages like this over at

As in, chat with it or make it generate stuff. Which ive done a few times to try it but hits my paranoia a bit too much. Corporations know more than enough by their trackers alone

Happy to say I’m running Linux. It’s not all sunshine but i’d rather put up with it’s downsides than use Windows 10/11

It never sat right to me the use of AI so i’ve never tried it, i wish we could one day have all the current AI features running fully locally so i won’t have some company collecting even more on me.

MiB never helped anyways, if he appeared the situation was bad enough to guarantee a New Game.

I found some vids and learned theres a FREE ver, so im def checking when i get back from work.

Saw some vids about the game during break, its quite different imo - losing pawns doesnt seem as painful as it is in rimworld and dont really like the “classic” fantasy style it has but again, i can check it for free.

One question tho, could you give an example of a ‘weird/bad situation’?

a huge disservice to the users of this expensive piece of hardware

Sadly not uncommon for Linux, many companies dont care cause there’s no money in it. Thankfully we got awesome community

Do you think i’d like the game as a hardcore rimworld fan? I like how accessible RW is, yet very unforgiving, i like the amount of freedom i have and how important pawns are, how i can be on the brink of a game over for HOURS but still bounce back. Is this anything like that?

I dont know anyones who has played it and money’s tight so asking for random’s opinion

Oh this is done for the money. What wouldve been better is age restriction to the whole net, hopefully finding a way to make parents responsible for their children and what they do. But that means way less views and traffic for ads. Yes there’s “YT Kids” and such but what being on the internet has taught me is absolutely every type of online service can be exploited and attacked.

Right, back on track. I’m sure a company wouldn’t use, and require their employees use a program unless people in charge are already familiar with said product or there was a deal made for them. I don’t know where the guy works but I’m sure that’s a safe bet, my point is Microsoft is known to make deals with schools/uni to teach only their products instead of alternatives. It’s why their products are so used - why learn something new when what you’ve been taught does the job

I don’t get your point, what does Intune have to do with the topic?

By your logic it was my school that wanted us to learn MS products, not Microsoft. Are you sure about that?

Well it’s better than Chrome’s if you don’t sync to your account, however I’d recommend you local password manager such as keepass