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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Probably take a dim view of it when emulating current gen games.

Also they made a ton of money off it.


They keep using this word. I do not think it means what they think it means.

None of that really seems to count for GDPR. And good luck picking any one person out of a sea of a million orphaned comments.

As I understand it:

As long as the link between data and user is severed, they are compliant with GDPR. Anonymising data (proper non-reversable anonymisation, rather than pseudo-anonymisation) is as good as deleting. As long as it’s not personally identifiable, it’s OK.

I suspect anyone else expecting the EU to purge reddit of their comments will be equally disappointed.

And, because I’m not entirely uncynical, does the creator of the spreadsheet work for any of the companies included upon it?

Fuck me, 6 million across both browsers and my work PC.

Use Chrome enhanced privacy protection now.

That way it’ll just be one of their closest friends, who might coincidentally sell it to the other 755.

How are you killing your battery after two years?

Even my cheapshit Honor 9 lasted six before it started getting random shutoffs.

It’s way too easy to spoof email “from” addresses.

There should be a way to do it through their website though. Requiring an app is just stupid.

I notice FitBit isn’t supported though.

Although that’s understandable. The wife had one and it wouldn’t talk to the official app reliably either.

Any kind of federated alternative would have to use P2P in some way, and I’m not sure how well that would work. Peertube appears to be exactly that, but testing a video just now showed that it was all from servers and none from peers, so how well it would work with thousands or millions of people watching at once, I can’t say.

If I watch something, I’m happy for my outgoing bandwidth to be the cost for that. Most of us have plenty of that to spare, even if my patience for adverts is zero.

How would content creators be paid? Not my problem, but being paid by advertising has not lead to an improvement in content for the most part. Shovelling out videos with zero actual real content is not something I want to encourage.

Piped has never worked for me, to the point where I blocked the bot that reposts all YouTube links.

Does YouTube even have an API for downloading videos? That would surprise me, even if it was for a fee. Their whole business model is adverts.

Do you not find it eats mobile notifications from time to time?

Had it quite a few times where the wife gets annoyed at me for not answering, and the phone has never bingybeeped at me to let me know there was a message.

Whatsapp always worked fine, but Signal has been very hit and miss.

Biometrics also aren’t great and uniqueness. At least where computers are concerned.

Recently we had one of our customers install fingerprint readers on their points of sale, the idea being any staff member can log in just by touching the pad. Even with only a few hundred staff registered, you get people logging in as each other.

Does it work though?

I only ask this because Musk has been promising full self driving in Teslas “next year” for about a decade now, so any claims made should be taken with an enormous pinch of salt.

Are you going to be that picky when they’re fitting you with a pacemaker?

I agree if it’s just something for fun though, although personally I’d err on the side of not putting anything in me at all thanks very much. I’m quite happy with my tech on the outside where it belongs.

Give us the password, or it’s two years in the clink for you me old matey.


Five years if you look like a nonce or a Muslim.

Because it never used to update plugins, and left my PC open to infection one time. Probably due to Java or one of the Macromedia ones.

Plus if one tab died, the who browser exploded with it. Chrome didn’t do that.

Plugins are dead now, so I came back.