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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 09, 2023


They don’t even try to claim they’ll stop collecting your data. No one actually cares about seeing a targeted vs non-targeted advertisement; the targeting technology is the issue.

Paying Facebook $14 a month and still being tracked, just invisibly, solves nobody’s problem.

All client apps store a local copy

Thank you! I’ll probably just use KYC because I’m not a high value target and the alternative for me is just buying and spending Bitcoin.

How do you get your XMR? I looked into it once but it seemed like a hassle

They don’t seem as transparent as tutanota

Google Pixel has the most support for security, which relates to privacy. It does “phone home,” but likely only to Google. Removing all the Google software and installing GrapheneOS further hardens the security and vastly improves the privacy by stopping the “phoning home.”


It’s refutable, and also you can use Google’s results through a different search engine, like SearXNG

Who the fuck uses instagram for group chats?