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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


There is so much wrong with this post. Half of the points raised are utter bullshit

So jarring that you couldn’t just… Press no?

It’s not a new law. The GDPR has been around for years, but meta only recently lost a legal case saying that they cannot contractually force users to provide their data in exchange for access to the service.

But the GDPR also says consent has to be freely given, some interpet this as meaning that forcing people to pay in order for their data not to be used for ads is not freely given consent.

Consent O matic and bypass paywalls clean ;)

Please stop sharing bullshit articles full of technically uninformed disinformation

The fines in the DSA are enormous: up to 6% of WORLDWIDE turnover.

Bit outside of the scope of your question, but CalyxOS is a graphene-like android distro but for more devices.