jelloeater - Ops Mgr

FHF/LW Operations Manager

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I’ve never seen anything fishy from them, many people trust them for their work notes.

It’s all .md files you own.

LTSB or LTSR I forget which. Toss some classic shell in there, boom, Win 10 like you remember Win 7 was like. Too bad they fucked up 11 so bad I switched to Ubuntu.

I use Obsidian alot, they are very different in how they work as far as I can tell. Obsidian is more like a pure notebook with a HUGE amount of useful plugins. I use the KanBan and OCR functions alot with their Google-esq search.

Oh man SSL, I ran that on some janky old laptops, I think it was a pentium III.

Those, if put in dry, will not come off for DAYS of hand washing and showing… But you should prob change them every day.🩹🩹

Does anyone still even use Facebook? Aside from boomer parents? TikTok, not THAT’S a data mining platform!

How’s it still working for you? Might get one, I have a 3a.

Shared passwords in BitWarden with important notes. Easy to keep up to date.

It’s more or less truly anonymous chat. Like you meet someone on the street and need to chat with them, but don’t want to give them any personally identifiable info. It’s really cool in concert, but good luck getting anyone to use it. Signal is good enough if you’re paranoid. TBH Telegram secret chats are just as good for sensitive stuff and way easier to get folks to use.

Hold fast against the barbarians at the gates Gates.


I keep on hearing great things about them, but my broke ass doesn’t want to pay. 😅

You should also check out Hubitat, they make a excellent ZigBee + Zwave hub. Works with Google Assistant, has a REST API and can work offline as well. They give you a lot for free.

There are also custom firmwares you can load on ESP8266s as well, but nothing beats a UL approved solution so you don’t burn your house down 🤪

I never got YubiKey to work on desktop with it. Key files seem to work good enough and easy to manage.