
High-level polyamory.

Cookie bukkake.

Use Chrome enhanced privacy protection now.

That way it’ll just be one of their closest friends, who might coincidentally sell it to the other 755.


If you even remotely care about your privacy, get off of an ad-company’s monopolistic browser. Firefox + uBlock Origin is the essentials for at least baseline privacy, then go up from there if you so choose.

Do never use Chrome. Use Firefox based Browsers (Librewolf, Mull)

some websites require Chrome and don’t work with anything else.

and then these college classes I’m taking, my laptop broke so they’re loaning me a campus Chromebook. I’m like okay whatever. Of course just use it for school nothing else.

You could try changing the user agent string in Firefox to make the site think you’re using chrome

You could just have two browsers installed, basically a necessity for anyone using Firefox on Android.

They don’t include a print dialogue in the Android version of Firefox.

Visit our site as you normally would with the advertising and tracking.

No, i wouldn’t normally visit any site with the advertising and tracking.

At least they mention that they track you. Most talk only about ads.

I do not like them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere.

Night Monkey

People forget the ad zap tool exists in ublock origin… Zap that dialogue box away.

The “Blocked since install” stat on uBlockOrigin is always an eye-opener.

Fuck me, 6 million across both browsers and my work PC.

I’ve seen that on a couple video game news sites and am just fuck it, I won’t read the article then.

  • So, it’s maximum security, is that clear?
  • Quite clear, sir. Only myself and the rest of the English-speaking world is to know.

Read more:

We should have a challenge of finding the site with most “friends”.

Screenrant offered me 1516 exclusive partners yesterday.

I know we shouldn’t abuse the word, but I feel like “slut” is appropriate here.

To continue that analogy, they’re the pimp and you’re the slut. You’re the one getting shared around.

Is the web site sharing with them or does it make you share with them so that your CPU does most of the processing and uploading to each advertising lead leech?

This would explain why we need more and more powerful/expensive phones just to keep browsing.

deleted by creator

How much of that do script blockers protect you from?

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The Doctor

“Worst of the worst” means that nothing of value was lost.

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The Doctor

I can’t paywall break them, either. Oh, well.

Every geek I knew in the early 90’s was naively evangelizing about the internet ushering in a new age of enlightenment.

I was too, I admit. Am now optimistic about the benefits of a UBI but, with the above humbling experience, guardedly so — the unintended consequences might be impossible to predict.

It is the human condition.

For a while we believed that automation and robots would lead to people not having to work and furthering culture and arts for all of humanity.

People always ignore jealousy and greed, the two most prolific attributes of most worker-ant humans.

A study has undermined the greed angle.

Turns out that (amongst OECD countries) GDP per capita is not correlated with indicators of happiness at all. What is correlated is the degree of income equality…

and here is the great part…

Even for rich people. They too have better lives where there is more equitable income distribution. One day they will hopefully realise.

That study is reinforcing the greed angle, isn’t it? If those poor and unhappy people wouldn’t all be trying to become rich, but would say “fuck it”, let’s just live and be happy, it would all be fine.

Nobody could force a few billion people to do slave work for questionable amenities. They just need to stop wanting to be part of the so-called rich and their vision of what progress is. They do it out of greed and wanting to have it all. Technology for everyone. A basic human right, internet and shoes with a name on them.

Nothing speaks against a collective endeavor for progress and science to better the whole. But making it a competition:

The OECD is part of the problem.

Economic Co-operation and Development. Developments for enabling rich people and them competing against each other for resources. Not for creating equal footing. But for creating a controlled slave-market disguised as a developed country.

Mr. Forager

Out of curiosity, what service was this?

deleted by creator


I’ll never get why, in a privacy community that doesn’t come up without asking.

The data broker deletion services all advertise deleting your info from 2-300 agents. Who the fuck are the other several thousand, what are they doing with the data, and how the fuck is any of this legal.


how the fuck is any of this legal.

It’s not!

Is kinda funny having pihole and seeing “0 partners” in my Samsung TV

Like the actual string?

Yeah, i think their terms of services are scripted so if they get more or less advertisers based on your country between other things, that way they can redirect the same page to everybody

Oh so that’s how they do it, has to go to the list of things that give you feelings of power


Why would you even put the number at that point




Makes sense

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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