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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 11, 2024


I think that’s called a raspberry pie, essentially.

Are they? Do they even have a linux client yet? I’d say they are second class citizens at best.

So, not really GtaVC not really running on a router. amazingly useless, too.

After twenty years on Steam, I’ve been asked three times to participate in the survey on my gaming setup, and on three occasions I played on Windows. No survey in the last five years while using Linux. :)

I’ve got it twice on my work laptop, where I used it just for the messenger, back when I ran an active community for a game.

Not sure if I want to trust that data.

I am not sure that you realize how public internet works. Only a few countries participate in copyright.

Even fewer have actual laws about it. Most don’t give a shit about it at all. Your Reddit photos are public, you gave up the rights to them already, in any realistic way imaginable. You only have a case in countries with copyright laws. What about the others? How is that realistically protecting your privacy, if only one billion out of eight billion give a shit?

So yeah, it’s a shitshow. Reddit fucked up their image. I’ll never post anything of consequence there and certainly won’t use it to create a business. Same with Facebook. Or any other public forum. I never have. And nobody should, if they are concerned with privacy or copyright.

There is no war for privacy on the internet. Just an endless battle with companies making money. It can’t be won. Public and Privacy don’t mix. And never will. It’s a game the law-makers play. It has nothing to do with rights.

This is reality versus Living inside your head. Prostitution? Coerced? Sexual Harassment? Dude, you are mangling those words into perversions of themselves.

An ai is using hundreds of thousands of nudes for training. Your body is used for normalizing the process, not as a template for porn. How special do you and your celestial body feel? You probably have 10000+ natural look-a-likes. Meh.

That sounds like wishful thinking. If I leave my private photos and sex videos on the local supermarkets local-ads bench, I can all but hope that they will only be used for innocent fun. But who would actually expect that?

Posting things on the internet is a verbatim open license for your stuff to being used and sold. Perhaps your country has some laws. But nobody is keeping some local vietnamese company in check, or that indian outlet. Or any other place in the world.

The internet is public. Any bot can just parse reddit. All those pictures are being used anyway, with or without reddit making some cash with them. It’s just legal issues and drama. The data is out there, and someone is making money with it. Already. Just without making it public. All this outrcry is just additional marketing.

You know, when technology really got started, I had dreams about tech knowing me, doing things for me, acting in my best interest. Smile at the cashier, and my bill is paid, entering any public building, and I’m added to the queue, my documents already there… A vending machine would know me, holding back that last Snickers bar, because it knew that I would come by today…

It could have been good. It could have been right. On another planet, with another species. :')

Laws and lawyers. You can’t go there and beat them up. That pretty much paved the way. Money is just a toy to them. So there is zero risk involved.

And you can bet your ass that prostitutes sold information about their clients, if offered any compnsation for it. :)

That study is reinforcing the greed angle, isn’t it? If those poor and unhappy people wouldn’t all be trying to become rich, but would say “fuck it”, let’s just live and be happy, it would all be fine.

Nobody could force a few billion people to do slave work for questionable amenities. They just need to stop wanting to be part of the so-called rich and their vision of what progress is. They do it out of greed and wanting to have it all. Technology for everyone. A basic human right, internet and shoes with a name on them.

Nothing speaks against a collective endeavor for progress and science to better the whole. But making it a competition:

The OECD is part of the problem.

Economic Co-operation and Development. Developments for enabling rich people and them competing against each other for resources. Not for creating equal footing. But for creating a controlled slave-market disguised as a developed country.

It is the human condition.

For a while we believed that automation and robots would lead to people not having to work and furthering culture and arts for all of humanity.

People always ignore jealousy and greed, the two most prolific attributes of most worker-ant humans.

Screenrant offered me 1516 exclusive partners yesterday.

It might be edge cases. I’ve played games on proton just fine with my 1060 and now my 3070. Doom eternal, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Cities Skylines, Guild Wars 2, 7 Days to Die, a whole range of games.

My 960 didn’t work at all, and I had to dual boot windows to play any game. Most Linux distros didn’t boot, even.

I never managed to eliminate tearing though.

I’ve been using steam since Half Life 2 released and had the survey pop up twice. And both times major data-points were completely wrong. Like resolution (it apparently used my second screen) and HDD space.

That data is about as relevant as a once a lifetime epidemiologic study about diet preferences.

My biggest issue wouldn’t even be the kernel level access, but the fact that the stuff is written and tested by no one in particular. The possible bugs are the issue for me.

If that thing would be bullet-proof, hackers trying for years to break it without success, yeah. Ok. I could be convinced. If it is cracked after two days already… Then nope.

Well, it might be helpful in the current predicament. Going after the perp, without taking care of the vulnerabilities might make them take a real interest and get more data out. So make sure it’s all off the grid.

Make sure it’s also deleted from the Internet archive. From search engines and so on.

We got police scammed for a while because my streaming wife’s contact was in some obscure 15-year-old backup of her first website on the internet archive. Before we used a service for that stuff. It had been offline for a decade already, so nobody even thought about it.