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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


This desperately needs to become an illegal industry. Perfectly legitimate businesses are letting their real business fall to the wayside as they convert their profits to a fucking consumer spying business. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of all the tracking, and I’m sick of ads popping up in new places all the freaking time. You go to pump gas and a commercial starts blaring in your face. You can’t escape it. You can’t get a moment of peace to sit with your thoughts. It’s negatively affecting our entire society, yet every business is pursuing it with zeal and the politicians aren’t doing jack shit to protect the people. Matter of fact the government is buying the data too. I never imagined this is what the future would look like when I was growing up.

Did they make less than $200M for their illegal activities? If not, then this is just the government getting their cut, and not a punishment at all.

Please do not feed spaghetti to your horse.

They managed to go from the most popular and well liked company in the world, to a company that everyone despises, all within the span of a decade.

Didn’t you hear? There was strong traction in the tests. They know what’s best for you. Shhhh

They key word here is “their”. Not your interest, theirs.

Meh. I’m a privacy focused individual, but when it comes to job hunting the prospect is difficult enough without gimping yourself with arbitrary resume requirements. Put the work history that you think is relevant, relevant skills, your name and contact information, and be done with it.

TikTok as an alternative to YouTube because of ads and intrusive videos? That’s just replacing one poison with a stronger poison.

It’s not even close to impossible. It is very possible to end the collection of private data. We just need a law that makes it illegal. Unfortunately the people who make the laws are the ones who want to install cameras in your bathroom so they can watch you poop.

Yeah, just like hoping the Patriot Act would go away worked out well for us.

Hopefully it works out for you. FYI, if you’re searching for a question, add a question mark at the end of it and Kagi will put an AI summary answer at the top of the results. In my experience it is very accurate.

It costs money, but to me it’s a small price to pay for my sanity. My average search volume is about 700 searches per month. That’s 700 times per month that I was getting frustrated, getting bombarded with ads, and being unable to find what I was looking for. Now I don’t have that problem, so my frustration levels have decreased considerably.

88 is 69.84% of 126… Oh, I see my mistake. Haha. Thanks for the correction. I calculated what percentage of yes the noes are, instead of what percentage of total voters voted yes. I’m hella dumb! In my defense, I was still drinking my morning coffee, and nobody should ever listen to anything I have to say that requires rational thought before I have two cups of coffee.

70% of Republicans (some small government, eh?) and 40% of Democrats voted yes.

All my math is wrong. See below for correct numbers.

they rely on ignorance

Ain’t that the truth?

That doesn’t give them ownership of the content that people view with the browser.

I tried a bunch of different services without satisfaction until I finally decided to try Kagi. It’s been 6 months and I’m still satisfied with it.

AFAIK they’re still around. I switched off of Google for searches because of them.

So, Google thinks they own the whole Internet now, and will force ads over every single website. AMP wasn’t enough for them. I used to love Google, but now I pretty much hate them.

More ads, and you can’t block them because ad blockers will be banned

You can do that on Firefox mobile. IDK if it works on the desktop.

Of course they do, they’ve already scanned all of them and updated their respective user profiles.

Even if they don’t create a secret account, they get left out of groups, and probably mocked because everyone else is doing it. Not being able to do things that everyone else does when you’re a kid sucks. My wife and I were just talking a couple nights ago about how we’re glad we didn’t have to deal with that with our kid. We probably would have said no, which would have caused our kid some issues for sure.

Who cares? It has the added benefit of being evil, and that’s enough for them.

Some people only believe what they’re told by an authority, and some people only view massive corporations, politicians, and the church as legitimate authorities. So if a corporation tells them it’s bad, they’ll believe it’s bad.

Dirty Martinis are the best martinis. Martinis in general are just a fancy way of saying “give me straight hard alcohol so I can get drunk”.

Splash of vermouth. Swish it around in the glass and toss it out. Fill it with chilled gin or vodka. That’s a dry martini.

I paid off a car without ever being late, and they reported my account as unpaid and in collections at the end. They had no reason to do so and to this day I still don’t understand why they did it. I contested it and the best I was able to accomplish was getting the entire loan removed from my credit report. So 2 entire years of on-time payments and satisfactory completion of a loan resulted in no positive credit boost for me, and a big PITA, just because the company made a mistake. Companies are not responsible enough to wield the type of power that this app grants.

Exactly. These types of changes grant corporations extrajudicial power.