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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 10, 2023


I guess so, it doesn’t hurt if you don’t mind the inconvenience

If the client (which encrypts the data in for an E2EE service) is open source and has also been audited by third parties than there’s little reason to do so

How about you let me save the application data for myself and keep it secure on my equipment first, Google? Uff, going through the salvaging process of the data on my near-broken phone is being the most excruciating thing I’ve done recently because they just won’t let you access and save it unless you rely on their cloud… which I might eventually just do, just wished it’d at least be a 100% safe way to get everything, but no, they had to put the decision to be backed up into the applications’ hands ;-;

Bro said The last one is kind of funny actually, and better than most comments anyway. 💀

Of course not, that’s the point. I don’t know what their stance on little toy projects kept for yourself is if that’s what you’re asking

Just FYI, you can keep personal repositories for configurations and whatnot on Codeberg, check out the FAQ: https://docs.codeberg.org/getting-started/faq/#can-i-host-personal%2C-private-repositories-that-i-do-not-intend-to-publish%3F

I’d have to see their CI/CD pipelines though.

Codeberg hasn’t deployed their Actions yet, but the software Gitea and Forgejo both have it, so I believe it will come some time in the near future (don’t know how near though, could probably ask them over on @Codeberg).

EDIT: not completely true, actions have been ready for a while apparently, but you currently have to provide your own compute: https://docs.codeberg.org/ci/actions/
Which isn’t ideal, though

In the meantime you can either use Woodpecker or use another forge like Gitea hosted (has Actions already) or Gitlab with their CI/CD

Yeah, not gonna be easy.
Waiting for Europe to ban ads altogether 🤞
/s …unless?

not to mention the Microsoft Edge processes when that is the last of any browser that I would choose to use

I believe all DDG browsers are webview based, so they use the already installed platform WebView as the engine and add the browser functionalities on top, that’s not really a bad thing, since it saves space by avoiding duplicating such a huge component. Realistically, if they rolled their own, it would 100% be another Chromium fork and the Edge WebView is already based on Chromium so it’s kind of (but not totally) pointless

Oh so that’s how they do it, has to go to the list of things that give you feelings of power

Send has always been easy to use and reliable for me, double points for being free software

Is that so? That’s awful, theoretically websites shouldn’t store any until you actually agree, maybe except the “necessary” ones.

Anyways, I’d advise to use I still don’t care about cookies instead if you really want to use the extension, as the original has been acquired by Avast, of all companies.
For an extension that is more refined in how it handles the cookie pop ups there’s Consent O Matic, but in my experience it covers fewer websites so you’re either fine with that or contribute by reporting unsupported websites.
There’s also the uBlock Origin option, it has a filter list for cookie pop ups that should pretty much work like the first extension

It’s one of the available Revanced patches, you’ll need to download the latest supported YouTube version from APK mirror and patch it with Revanced manager (the right version will be shown as “Suggested”)

suggested YouTube version

there you’ll choose the “Hide Shorts component” patch

hide shorts component patch

There’s proxygram which is still a work in progress, but it’s already looking pretty good for now imo

Thanks for the info! I agree, without being able to outright change phone, you can only choose your tradeoffs

Ah I see, does that mean that in terms of security, switching to another ROM on a phone with non re-lockable bootloader is a downgrade from the stock ROM?

Doesn’t Android have file based encryption by default since a while now?

Thanks, that’s even better than I thought honestly

Nice, did you have to give them any personal info?

On that note, anyone has opinions on Njalla? They’re not exactly a registrar themselves, but are they good “proxies”, to maintain more privacy?

Oh gosh, fuckin baffling! I’m surprised, but also kinda not at the same time

I’ve heard they would change based on generic demographic and periodic trends, but for individuals? Is that even legal?

banned people for saying there Christian.

Huh, that’s some shitty behavior if true.

It also is a decentralized service

Did you mean to say the opposite? It’s not like Matrix, servers can’t communicate with each other, they’re all standalone

I see, that’s pretty neat, unfortunately I don’t think there’s anything else like that yet

Idk about all, I do know it’s a lot, but the argument for me there is how the privacy policies differ.
I admit that I haven’t really looked much into it, but just assumed that since Discord is so terrible to be borderline violating the GDPR in respects to user data deletion, matrix.org couldn’t ever be worse than that. Of course, mine is just an assumption, Matrix definitely aligns more with my values though, and some E2EE will always beat none, but everyone should do their research before trusting me.

Also note, there are other open registration Matrix hosts, so maybe you can find someone with even better policies.

I don’t know if this is exactly what you’re looking for since I never used PhotoScan myself, but maybe either OpenScan or PDF Doc Scanner could meet your needs

Funny, I feel the same way about Matrix clients, instead. They’re not that bad, but they could use quite a bit of polish (and they also don’t rake in millions a year, so it’s not an exactly fair comparison).
I guess it just comes down to what you’re used to

You’re still feeding a proprietary platform your information (not just the messages) directly. In this case in particular, if some privacy conscious person wanted to discuss with others and didn’t have a Discord account for the same reason, they’d have to sign up and give up some of that privacy