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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2023


If you even remotely care about your privacy, get off of an ad-company’s monopolistic browser. Firefox + uBlock Origin is the essentials for at least baseline privacy, then go up from there if you so choose.

Matrix, Signal, Session. If there was anything as mature an feature complete that you’re looking for, you’d probably already have heard of it

Weird, I don’t have this. Also installing the Bypass Paywall extension might help if it comes up.

Oof, those permissions alone scream proprietary spyware. There’s no more speculation here, it has officially become enshittified.

You do you, but realize it’s hardly for chumps just because you’re too cheap to shell out a couple of dollars for an app you’ll potentially spend tens to hundreds of hours on. That’s a very strange thing to call others chumps for.