• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


Open source adblockers reduce that risk significantly. Don’t trust closed source blockers.

Can’t use it because they want my phone number for login but say it’s invalid. 🤪

Some still sold and serviced are Android 8 i think?

So, uh, why not? The link doesn’t answer that.

Money > Art > Suspicious business.

Suspicious business > more Art > more money.

Usually not.

How much fps do I loose if I use the open drivers?


Honestly, hard bricking (damaging the bootloader beyond repair) is really hard and soft bricking is solved by getting to download mode and flashing the correct version. While starting with custom roms, having no idea what i do, i flashed my Galaxy Xcover 1 with the OS for a sub-version of the device and it almost worked.

Seems like you have to compile. I use it only for Steam (on Arch) for now (with a symlink to .local/share/Steam for some modloaders). Though, somehow no Qt app runs on my notebook, but setup via cli was fine too.

ObscuraCam of Guardian Project doesn’t save metadata. OpenCamera is highly configurable.

edit: ah, screenshots. I think in LineageOS it’s part of the launcher (app-switch doesn’t work with default launcher disabled) or backed into the system. If it’s the second and you have a vendor OS, guess you can only flash a custom ROM to fix it.

Substitute with “-” or “xyz” if forced. They should know you don’t want to provide that data.

Our of curiosity, which specific MS product is the one you see as most valuable / hardest to do without for IT security?

I can’t imagine it’s word or excel or anything document-centric. That’s what most people think of when they think of MS Office, but in this day and age there are plenty of totally servicable alternatives.

You’ll be surprised. Company documents are usually all made in the shitty format that only really works in MS Office.

And of course MSO doesn’t even provide .NET components so someone could create a converter tools using MSO, you have to work around it or use Libre Office’s soffice command, which provides limited support for proprietary MSO features. Don’t tell me that’s not on purpose.

Some manufacturers don’t even remove the protective plastic before pasting and most just use the cheapest grease availlable.

My thinkpad got from notoriously loud to being mostly passive with some grease at the right places.

There are people who google stuff while being logged into google?

Steam doesn’t see my hardware in bubblejail, so i had to refuse.

Well, can’t send him there then, right?

All or nothing choices while “more options” is made easy to overlook on purpose.

CI/CD stuff i guess (Translation: because others do). Not a marketing person tho.

What was this feature called again… basically linking, right?

So a redirect instead of alias? E-mail alias is the address+alias@… thing.

Maybe they should implement cross-browser then, or create a native app. Hell, there are tools to convert any webpage to a electron app.

Are there inverse filter lists for uBlock Origin?
uBO has documentation to so called [Blocking modes](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Blocking-mode). I myself go even a step further and disable Domain and Inline scripts by default, basically whitelist mode instead of blacklist (about 1/3 of pages work *better* that way, if you only want to read the fucking text). Are there matching filter lists who *enable* scripts/content for respective domains, at least for medium and hard mode? some Webapps like microsofts are a pain to deal with manually, with all their redirects.