Piped not playing videos · Issue #2809 · TeamPiped/Piped
Official Instance The bug is reproducible on the official hosted instance, or is API-related. Describe the bug For some reason the videos dont load and I cant watch piped. I primarily use piped cau...

Most servers are not able to access the Google API.

Invidious report of the same(ish) problem: https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/issues/4045#issuecomment-1674373088

Piped has never worked for me, to the point where I blocked the bot that reposts all YouTube links.

Does YouTube even have an API for downloading videos? That would surprise me, even if it was for a fee. Their whole business model is adverts.

You could try Clipious from FDroid. It’s my fallback for ReVanced.


I even completely switched from ReVanced to Clipious + private Invidious instance, it’s snappy and flawless.

You can even redirect any Youtube link to an Invidious instance automatically with libRedirect, living the dream.


I can second Clipious, newpipe SB stopped working for me a week ago, it would only play like 15 seconds of the vid. Clipious works just fine.


There is an update for Newpipe that seemingly fixed that issue for me.


deleted by creator

That is just Invidious https://github.com/iv-org/invidious And, while it may not be actively blocked, they are still on the risk of being API blocked as it is the case here.


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deleted by creator


The advantage of scraping is that it can’t be really blocked if you make your private instance and you don’t have to follow API ToS, the disadvantage is that it can easily break with little changes of the Youtube UI.


deleted by creator

I guess that’s it then. If I’m forced to see ads and be tracked I’ll just block the domain on my network like I did reddit and invest that time in other things.

meseek #2982

You can always grab a browser extension. Apple has Vinegar, not sure what others run. Just plucks the video feed direct pretty much like Piped. So no ads. Still stuck on YT unfortunately

Would it be possible for many, many people to use yt downloaders to fetch certain categories of yt videos (Linux tutorials for example) and serve them in a decentralized media network like the fediverse? Basically a distributed, downloaded “migration” of yt content, with no central source or authority that the pipe apps can retrieve from instead of YouTube. Yet again, I’ve basically just reinvented bittorrent but for YouTube content, so maybe it’s not that practical…

Not sure it would be legal. I guess the authors of the videos should upload them themselves.

That totally sounds possible to me! The other person responding seems to not have very good reading comprehension. Yeah, the only thing stopping this would be drm but apparently most yt videos don’t have drm, since if they did, those downloader apps couldn’t work.

It’s not a half bad idea honestly.

meseek #2982

No. They all have to connect via an API that ultimately Google controls and monitors. Unfortunately decentralized or not, they all tap into the same well.

But in any case, the extensions can’t be spotted by YT, so that’s why they have the best chance of co existing (or not easily).

Doesn’t sound like you understood the question

meseek #2982

I understood fine. How are you getting these videos to begin with? You think Google won’t notice? And when you have them, where are you storing them?

And paying for it all, how?

Trust me. I understood just fine.

You dismissed the idea as if it weren’t possible without engaging with it. It would be possible. I’m not developing the app so I don’t feel the need to provide a detailed plan but these all are solvable problems. The biggest issue keeping it from being a reality would be the legal one.

Sky Cato

why use proprietary when Peertube is free and libre

Because content is on youtube, and PeerTube does not have bridging capabilities. That’s the reason.

What is bridging?

It’s when you connect two unrelated platforms. If PeerTube had a YouTube bridge it would be able to play YouTube content directly on all of its instances without people having to re-upload anything.

Possibly linux

Just use a different instance. Alternatively you can use peertube


“just do this or that.”

while I appreciate the attempt to help and provide options, I think your reply largely misses the point of discussing this. Google is going to keep shutting down those options until there aren’t any left, just like Reddit with Libreddit / Safereddit.

What happened with Libreddit? My instance is still humming along same as it ever was.

libreddit still works, it just gets heavily rate-limited at the moment, so public instances are usually not working

There’s also not much people can do besides trying these work arounds and trying alternative options. YouTube has been the biggest video host for a decade for a reason, so a true alternative will take time.


Well both of those reddit alternative frontends used the api. Piped scrapes the pages and gets the stream url, similar to teddit, which still works.


I just wish Peertube had proper federation and a more accessible interface, some of their decitions sadly make is a unvaiable alternative! :(

Professional content creators probably aren’t going to like the Fediverse in general since the design inherently limits their reach and there’s just fundamentally less money in it for them. I don’t think it works as a profession in its current form here.


I do think something like Peertube would have a place but as you pointed out it’s current desing limits their reach aka lacks proper Federation and the interface is nerdy and kind but absolutely awful to attract users so a failure for a default in my opinion.

Well, it’s moreso that decentralization fundamentally means that there’s going to be a smaller audience for them to reach due to users being more spread out between instances in addition to the lack of ads and recommendation algorithms to spoonfeed their content to new viewers. Even if the UI/UX were more polished, IDK why they would prefer to use the Fediverse over significantly larger centralized services that basically cater to their use-case. The Fediverse is good for hobbyists and everyone else though, whom I happen to prefer for the most part.


With proper Federation the spread literally doesn’t matter so no idea what you mean with that but I agree, the none sustaiable and unethical ad format won’t be possible, no ads is something entirely different tho because sponsor segments and affiliate links would still work just as well. You are right that many wouldn’t choose that path but I am sure a lot would do so if there was a good option, at leadt a lot of the ones I like to watch but currently Peertube is such a pain to use that not even I as geek and foss enthusiast do so! :(

The way that the ActivityPub protocol (this is the protocol that makes the Fediverse function) works is that it only pushes out content to instances that explicitly request it (a user follows another user/channel/community/etc, or the instance uses a relay), so the spread does matter and the ecosystem is kinda stuck with that until the underlying protocol is changed. I’d agree that a different protocol could remedy this, but realistically speaking I don’t see AP getting swapped out for something else anytime soon.


It’s actually the exact same problem, Youtube now blocks IPs on the video endpoint aka everything except for the actual stream works which is a new thi g to adapt to, they used to block access entirely before.

We should open our own YouTube, with blackjack… and hookers! That’ll show those google guys.


I mean, peertube exists and it’s part of the fediverse. I don’t know if lemmy can comment or view the videos, but mastodon sure can.


We already have peertube and Odysee. But majority of the content still lies in Youtube.

They are definitely in a crackdown phase. Some revanced versions stopped working just yesterday, the yt-dlp stuff, the ad block block…

The best hope would be to get off of YouTube but that’s not happening any time soon given how expensive bandwidth is.

Any kind of federated alternative would have to use P2P in some way, and I’m not sure how well that would work. Peertube appears to be exactly that, but testing a video just now showed that it was all from servers and none from peers, so how well it would work with thousands or millions of people watching at once, I can’t say.

If I watch something, I’m happy for my outgoing bandwidth to be the cost for that. Most of us have plenty of that to spare, even if my patience for adverts is zero.

How would content creators be paid? Not my problem, but being paid by advertising has not lead to an improvement in content for the most part. Shovelling out videos with zero actual real content is not something I want to encourage.

what happened to yt-dlp?

I updated mine last week cuz it was stopping videos a minute in. Seems to work for now.

Had the same issue, updating the patches via the manager worked.

Same. Used the latest YouTube APK that Revanced manager wanted (which is 3 versions back).

I figure this is something that needs to be refreshed every so often.

it’s time for odysee I think 🤔


if anything peertube. fuck odysee and their stupid crypto and ads

Wait-- I’m actually out of the loop on this. Why the downvotes and what’s bad about Odysee?

im also surprised , i didnt know that about odysee and i sense a bit of hostility here.


I don’t get it too, but i think it’s like coreboot/libreboot, the guy that was hating wants COMPLETELY free platform, i upvoted you btw

Interesting how just a few weeks ago yt-dlp also stopped working, saying it was getting investigated in Germany.

It’s time LibreTube moved on from Pipe Backend too. Too many times the app just doesn’t work leading to server hopping and more.

I could use NewPipe but the app has a really terrible UI.


NewPipe has been having a lot of issues as well. Videos crash a minute in and the only way to solve it is to clear cache which only works for one video.


It’s not that bad i think. Better than having to endure adds…


LibreTube existence is built upon Piped as far as I know. Even the developer wants you to donate to Piped instead of LibreTube as far as I remember.
Isn’t Piped the only way to easily mask YouTube history with Google? So I think we should be very thankful of the existence of Piped

Yes, it does help to mask your IP address, but often I have faced issues with Video not loading.

I have found LibreTube to break more often than NewPipe due to this. There were instances where I was forced to use the Browser to watch the videos as Piped servers were having issues.

I honestly love all the efforts made by the devs of both to make YouTube so much privacy friendly and ad-free, but from POV of reliability, it just sucks for me.


You can tell it not to use Piped for fetching the video, but then that leads to Google knowing what you watches.

It’s important to know know that by this google still can’t run their own fingerprinting scripts or fingerprinting stylesheets, nor set cookies, so while not ideal, it’s not that bad.

I would suggest that (except when you watch something more private) until this gets somewhat more sorted, turning off video proxying is probably not a huge tradeoff. Also don’t forget that FreeTube and NewPipe don’t do proxying (FT can be set to do that, though)

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Google does this time and again, and a workaround always gets released eventually. Then again YouTube has been steadily going downhill these past several years, so maybe it’s for the best.

Man, just when I downloaded LibreTube. :(

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