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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


They’re storing the face pics you send to them, I assume

Forgive my ignorance, but do mobile devices even store biometric data ? I was under the impression that our biometric data would be hashed and salted and our thumb/face would unlock it, akin to how a normal password flow works…?

I can’t seem to find this on fdroid, github, etc. Mind sharing a link?

Well both of those reddit alternative frontends used the api. Piped scrapes the pages and gets the stream url, similar to teddit, which still works.

Just tried, ubfortnuately, it didn’t work.

When I was using Librewolf, it seemed to lag behind on updates, which is a non-negotiable for me.

I now run FF with arkenfox user.js, so youget updates right as they are released

I haven’t been able to use aurora reliably since a lot of their accounts got banned. Are there any alternatives?