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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


They literally ad d ed the tagging function on images to improve their facial detection so I doubt that this is a surprise to anyone!

It’s a really good search engine and I have no reason to doubt their claims about privacy and cencorship but I have to say no there because beside finding piratebay in the normal search results it’s all just their claims and I don’t know of any sientific study or similar that ever tested any of the claims. If you don’t trust those promises self hosting SearX is probably a good option and I haven’t tried it in years but Qwant is another one with their own index aka independent results.

Oh my god, another reminder that stupidity know no bounderies, especially online! 🤦

With a focus on “sometimes” but yea, it’s certainly better than most in many cases!

The GDPR is one of the most important laws the EU ever created and the issues you talk about are probably cookie banners, that’s such a increadably tiny issue in a small part of a huge and hugely important law that this comment is nothing but fucking silly!

Yes, that’s the goal, there was a great blog post from one of the KDE guys about a meeting people from the Neochat, Matrix and XMPP projects where invited to to explain the benefits of interoperability between chat apps and that part actually made it into the law now!

That doesn’t matter for Fairphone tho, they partner with Murena because Murena partners with them if I had to guess

GrapheneOS made clear they don’t want to support anything bit Pixel devices countless times if I am not wrong and it’s creator is anything but cooperative!

Well, not about the DNS blocking, that’s absolutely great but it can only block on a domain basis so ads from the same domain aka first party ads (E.g. Youtube ads) can’t be blocked using it.

DNS blocking isn’t proper ad blocking but it’s certainly better than nothing!

Cool, a consol OS like SteamOS is one of the best usecases for immutable Linux, just a perfect match!

I actually read their privacy policy, that’s a great staeting point, well and their lack of E2E encryption is a exception for chat apps nowdays too!

There is a Matrix bridge bot for Discord but the server owner has to set that up on the Discord and Matrix side first

Stolen my data and sharex it around? Discord is one of the worse privacy nightmares under all chat apps and for some reason people don’t get it…

I think Element works well in combination with Jitsi, well or for your need just Jitsi could probably do the job too.

I like a headphone jack and definitely prefer to have one but even to me that’s a really fucking stupid comment!

Just ignore the downvotes, people are garbage and that doubles online!

Fairphone always had a lot of interest from the open source community, I don’t see why that would change…

They literally launched a /e/OS version the same day…

Well SteamOS is Arch based but running a LTS kernel with backported changes in a ummutable way with everything sandboxed in Flatpak so it’s quite unique but idk why anyone would want to run it on their desktop, if the immutable aspect is so interesting ro you you can try Fedora Silverblue, Vanilla OS and co. but none of those is in a state that I would recommend as “just works” for a desktop experience, if that’s the majore goal Debian or Fedora with Gnome are probably your best options.

I try to explain that to people all the time, they only use E2E for so called secret chats and comply with every country as soon as a ban is on the table, there are even reports about a case in Dheli where they did so for Audiobook piracy!

Austrian citizen here and idk if he would qualify as far right in the US but our current president is one of them!

With proper Federation the spread literally doesn’t matter so no idea what you mean with that but I agree, the none sustaiable and unethical ad format won’t be possible, no ads is something entirely different tho because sponsor segments and affiliate links would still work just as well. You are right that many wouldn’t choose that path but I am sure a lot would do so if there was a good option, at leadt a lot of the ones I like to watch but currently Peertube is such a pain to use that not even I as geek and foss enthusiast do so! :(

I do think something like Peertube would have a place but as you pointed out it’s current desing limits their reach aka lacks proper Federation and the interface is nerdy and kind but absolutely awful to attract users so a failure for a default in my opinion.

They have to break the DMA once that’s in effect, 15% of their global yearly revenue is exactly what they deserve!

I just wish Peertube had proper federation and a more accessible interface, some of their decitions sadly make is a unvaiable alternative! :(

It’s actually the exact same problem, Youtube now blocks IPs on the video endpoint aka everything except for the actual stream works which is a new thi g to adapt to, they used to block access entirely before.

It’s good as long as you don’t install Goole play services but doesn’t have some of the extras privacy centric roms people will recommend you (only usable on a Google Pixel) have.

I am not very familiar with iOS but if everything goes wrong you could probably use Piped as a PWA, that’s a website but one that uses caching very well and has support for Sponsorblock and Dearrow to get the optimal Youtube experience!

For everyone who is too lazy to read that too: It’s basically the british version of chat controll and aims to bypass e2ee but with even worse filters! I recently listened to a great interview that detailed the (at least to me) most scarry usecase, apparently they also want to scan for “positive depictions of arriving refugee boats” whatever that’s supposed to mean!

That must be lies, Microsoft promised they would continue to support Atom so that must be true!