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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Contrary to what CNN says, 4chan is not an alt-right community. In fact, most of those idiots have left since 2016.

If you give it a chance and check out a range of boards, you will find it’s fairly diverse. Like any other online community, it comes down to finding which boards suit you best

I believe this allows cross-domain cookie sharing for the current site, meaning office.com can use your cookies from microsoft.com for authentication/preferences/etc.

I know I’m going against the “fuck Microsoft” train of this community, but this is pretty innocuous

Ah, so it’s just corporate Tor. Mega gross.

You’re right, it’s been absolutely devastating not being able to play a 14-year old game that I have no interest in playing on my computer. I’ll go cry over my video game consoles.

How the year of the Linux gaming PC coming?

You’re right, it’s been absolutely devastating not being able to play games on my computer. I’ll go cry over my video game consoles.

Idk, doesn’t quite seem appropriate for a federated reddit clone. I think you’re better off on a chan board

I don’t understand… your first couple sentences support my argument with evidence but then you say I’m wildly ignorant? Simply saying “their brains are still developing” and nothing else is a classic “protect the children” platitude

Might be a stupid question but is there any peer reviewed research that shows that porn is harmful to minors? Early humans didn’t have clothes so minors were seeing nudity for centuries. Of course, there’s the issue that porn gives men unrealistic expectations about women & sex, but that’s an issue regardless of age.

On top of that, it takes no more than 5 lines of Python code to generate