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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


Yeah, I actually think that person is lying honestly

I understand that. You, and you alone have these numerous, numerous (non existent) issues

I don’t think that’s an accurate framing. I have had slow and fast machines on several oses and they all ran it fine. You might have been cursed by a witch or something? Shit’s not remotely normal

Yeah I’ve used Firefox on several platforms and never had these issues. Sounds like a you thing

As long as they don’t link them to those links, thereby confusing them to the point of being completely turned off to the idea

Most tracking parameters actually just specify the source the link came from. Like Twitter or an email. I don’t see a lot of tracking parameters that literally are tried to an individual account. But here you seem to be saying that’s the most common type of tracking param

Cyberpunk 2077 runs faster on pop os on my Nvidia card compared to on windows 10

Plenty of people like Linux, the real echo chamber would be some place you don’t have to hear how much better alternatives there are to garbage-ass windows.

I had very similar results with pop os and windows 10 on an Nvidia card

Yikes. So according to you, I can know if I’m going to be hot or cold at any given time and just need to plan for it. Weird, stupid, false. 1) the power needed to roll a window up/down is practically nil and 2) distractions happen, stop being so goddamned high and mighty. This is a dumbass argument that has nothing to do with people texting or any of this other shit you’re trying to equate to it.

I had no idea you could call people with Instagram. And why should I know that? It’s a god-damned photo app.

You dismissed the idea as if it weren’t possible without engaging with it. It would be possible. I’m not developing the app so I don’t feel the need to provide a detailed plan but these all are solvable problems. The biggest issue keeping it from being a reality would be the legal one.

That totally sounds possible to me! The other person responding seems to not have very good reading comprehension. Yeah, the only thing stopping this would be drm but apparently most yt videos don’t have drm, since if they did, those downloader apps couldn’t work.

It’s not a half bad idea honestly.

This is pretty hand wavy. “Yeah so all we need to do is totally change everything about the Internet top to bottom, which to this point has only ever been successful specifically because it is a technology stack built to be iterated on slowly and additively.”

Even minor additions like requiring SSL (ironically a Google effort) basically caused millions of companies headaches for weeks. That was a technology that had been around for decades that just needed to be dropped into place and if developers had been a bit more forward thinking, things would’ve just worked. Guess what actually happened.

Programmer for many years, didn’t know that feature exists. Not sure I’ll use it knowing it exists.