NormalC [he/him, comrade/them]

Free software advocate and queer bangladeshi muslim anarchy-trans.Refugee from cat-trans

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


You can always use the Steam flatpak since Valve packages their Linux runtimes seperately within the client. I might be wrong, but flatpak should solve mismatched version/depedency hell.

You could also use declarative package managers like Nix or Guix to also avoid this same issue.

Don’t worry, Linus Torvalds has also complained of the same thing when asked whats holding back the GNU desktop.

Anyway, KDE is better than gnome! Thanks for reading!

Based KDE enjoyer vs. Pog GNOME fan moment. Also, you’re wrong but also right in so many ways.

Do not use browser based password managers as they’re often not encrypted and are tied to that particular browser. Self host/use Bitwarden along with the web extension or KeyPassXC.

Since you’re also getting a desktop PC I highly recommend sticking with just ethernet and not messing with wifi firmware/wifi cards. You should also skip bluetooth as well.

If you want to play proprietary windows freeware/drmware you always have Bottles, Proton, Lutris, GOG etc. If you are forced to use a VM gpu passthrough for a game, then that game is not worth playing because the developers don’t care (why should you then?)

If you want an instant plethora of games you can always look into sophisticated emulators that allow you to insert shaders/upscale graphics rendering, always a good use of a powerful GPU to play retro games on a 8K resolution on vulkan.

Invidous is a libre frontend for YouTube. Find a trusted public instance or start up your own.


The moderation on Odysee is horrible, generally should avoid.

I’m a zoomer in uni as well. People have given me the “its another app on my phone” excuse but once I tell them I don’t use any social media they are actually a lot more understanding.

Bonus points if I hit them with the Free Software rhetoric.

This person is just a brainless chud who got pwned by a literal computer program for parasocial weirdos.

Found the bootlicker. How does it taste?

Security and avoidance of anti-features != anonymity. If you wanted that you would have to use something like GNU Jami which has account archives and is peer to peer.

I’m just grateful that the phone number requirement means less of a hassle for others.

We should open our own YouTube, with blackjack… and hookers! That’ll show those google guys.