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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


amazed at the number of upvotes considering this software’s aim is to specifically combat de-platforming of creators, a practice that is by and large supported by the fake progressive community making up the majority on lemmy.

You messed up when you agreed to connect with them online. Just get a magnetic whiteboard and be free

Start with quit voting for a duopoly of elites bent on sewing division in the population to further entrench themselves as modern day kings. There’s no original ideas happening except the ones people are told to have by the closely controlled media they’re bombarded with 24 7

setting home network to fwd all dns through paid nextdns, beyond that just fighting a war of attrition

Perhaps start life from a place where a fellow human being isn’t subhuman because they disagree with your views and this will be less of a thing

I guess that’s it then. If I’m forced to see ads and be tracked I’ll just block the domain on my network like I did reddit and invest that time in other things.