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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


some here won’t like the idea of a premium, private search engine but Kagi is one of the best tech discoveries I’ve made in a long time. I pay $5/month for 300 searches and always seem to hit the limit at the very end of my month, never payed the 1.5 cents per search after that.

“just do this or that.”

while I appreciate the attempt to help and provide options, I think your reply largely misses the point of discussing this. Google is going to keep shutting down those options until there aren’t any left, just like Reddit with Libreddit / Safereddit.

the idea of decentralized currency is great and has merit, but the most current iteration got hijacked by a bunch of con artists.

I was about to sign up until I saw Login with Google.