I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently I’ve given up and created a few accounts across different apps again. It’s unreal how strict the requirements are now.

  1. Give e-mail (ok)
  2. Give phone number (… eeh, ok)
  3. Use the new account for a while
  4. Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi). There are also some verification promps where you have to record a video and rotate your face left to right

If this isn’t a message to move to indie web I don’t know what is

T (they/she)

I’ve had this happen and did upload the selfie but I think it happened because I was blocking some extra stuff that it was flagging my account to be automated

I don’t give my picture to social media but in a way the fact that you have to take pictures directly from your app is the proper way to digitalised identifing someone. Back to the time where people phisically register, people will showed up to prove which face they have an match it with an non reproductible identity card. But, now I could easily inpersonnate 5 or 10 of my relative and love-ones from the picture I have from them and image of their id-card or another official document they have give me access to, or they have access from my computer once.

Follow up message be like

“Hi this is mark from instagram, so a face scan wasnt enough to verify your account. We sent you vials to fill with your dna, so we can be 100% sure.just to verify that you are who you say you are thanks!.”


They didn’t delete your account. They deactivated it. It’s still worth money to them

How did you get in contact with them? They locked my account 2 months ago for unknown reasons.


no thanks xi

It’s coming from inside the Instagram! specter

How much US military-industrial Kool-Aid have you drunk?

A wild tankie appears and minimizes China’s surveillance state. Hey there you, have any Chinese immigrant friends? Did you know they are survielled and harassed around the world by the Chinese govenment? Your leaders will always fail you, mine too. I’m not gonna sit here in denial about it.


It was a joke. Calm down .ml


This is how I ended up getting my account deleted as well. 3D scan of my head was a immediate nope.


Maybe for app banking app (and even…), it could be understanding but for instagram, NEVER! Even for security reason… Bro they don’t care about anything on their network, allow soft porn and all that kind of stuff. And after all of that they are going to come to say that it is for security reasons 😂 Stay on the “libre” web, Lemmy is a great start! 👌

i mean, unless the bank already knows what you look like or could cross reference with an existing id photo, i cant see how it would be any more secure.

Yeah I’ve only done it on government websites because I had to


And government website already know who you are

Yet all those Instagram bots still exist. Weird


I’ve had that a few times on my accounts (I scrape content so they get suspended relatively often) and I always just grab a photo from thispersondoesnotexist.com and crop out the watermark. It hasn’t failed me yet.

can confirm this also works with google account

Do you have a good recommendation for when they ask for a photo ID? I read about OnlyFake, but its down and I can’t find an alternative.

Basically I want thisIDdoesnotexist

I know you can get ID deets here, but I don’t know any service that turns it into a facsimile of a state ID card.

Yeah basically that plus thispersondoesnotexist thrown into a Photoshop template rendered as a photo on a floor carpet with AI

Edit: I found https://verif.tools but some of them don’t look very good.


I’ve never had them ask for a photo ID so idk.

The PM of China has nothing to fucking do with Mark Lizardman Zuckerberg wanting your data, please shut the fuck up if you’re going to be verifiably ignorant


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Pup Biru

and in the same way, perhaps stop saying “westerners”

many us had the same thought that it’s xenophobic bullshit… perhaps we all should stop arbitrarily grouping people into geographic groups and making sweeping generalisations

and saying that the USA is dumber than a donkey and implying that china is not is just fucking laughable… i’m aussie, so i have no horse in either race: our economy is almost entirely reliant on china and we rely on the USA for basically everything else, including protection from china… and yknow what? all cultures are fucking weird… stop being so god damn condescending. the only thing it proves is that you’ve never travelled enough, or that “different” makes you uncomfortable which makes you an incurable bigot


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I think OP is confusing Instagram with Tiktok.

He’s probably referencing that influencers of all platforms are paid to push propaganda to their followers by various state actors.

OP said nothing about influencers though?


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Bigoted and trying to hide it behind “buhhhh buhhh it’s just a joke guise” like that tactic hasn’t been cracked for like a decade

Instead of my ID, I submitted a picture of dolphins and the text “So long and thanks for all the fish!”. And never came back.

Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi).

I mean, I hate Facebook as much as the next guy but…I’m pretty sure your Facebook page probably already has hundreds of photos of you, so it doesn’t seem like a big ask, but it also seems like a terrible verification method…

I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently

I doubt that they have uploaded any kind of photos

They said “for the past 3 years”, indicating they were using it previously.

You’re right, I misunderstood it

deleted by creator

What is your point? Do you just not realize the world existed prior to 3 years ago?

deleted by creator

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