I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently I’ve given up and created a few accounts across different apps again. It’s unreal how strict the requirements are now.

  1. Give e-mail (ok)
  2. Give phone number (… eeh, ok)
  3. Use the new account for a while
  4. Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi). There are also some verification promps where you have to record a video and rotate your face left to right

If this isn’t a message to move to indie web I don’t know what is

Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi).

I mean, I hate Facebook as much as the next guy but…I’m pretty sure your Facebook page probably already has hundreds of photos of you, so it doesn’t seem like a big ask, but it also seems like a terrible verification method…

I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently

I doubt that they have uploaded any kind of photos

They said “for the past 3 years”, indicating they were using it previously.

You’re right, I misunderstood it

deleted by creator

What is your point? Do you just not realize the world existed prior to 3 years ago?

deleted by creator

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