Amerikan Pharaoh

“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 10, 2023


I hope you hold that same energy for CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Associated Press, and Reuters.

If you consider the ACLU to be ‘far left’ I don’t think I want you at my kickbacks tbh

Yeah, and my last car was from the 80s lmfao. After seeing the way my coworkers were practically beholden to mechanic shops just to keep their cars running like every six months, I said ‘no thank you’.

“Just get a console then bro”

Guhhhhhh, yeah, sure, let’s play into console wars and exclusivity bullshit and dumping nearly a grand every three years when a well-built PC will last you ten. Nahhhhhh, familia.

A lot of my problem there is a solid half the games I play and make mods for run through EAC, so I’d be losing outright hobbies, not just slop.

Wish I could empathize, but I refuse to trust a car I can’t fix myself. There’s entirely too many computers and entirely too many points of failure-- it’s a good thing that I’m medically ‘advised’ not to drive. I wouldn’t be able to switch over until someone released an EV with the kinds of home-maintainability that like. A 60’s Mustang once had.

I’m not tryna have to have the shit towed to a Firestone-- or god forbid the manufacturer themselves-- just to have to pay hand-over-fist to fix the errors borne of their shoddy fuckin work.

Overpriced, locked down hardware, walled garden software, and a snobbish userbase. I simplify it all down to "I’m not paying 500 more dollars for a logo."

And this is why if you MUST take your phone somewhere “important”, you leave it off until it’s needed-- preferably battery disconnected, if your model still allows you access. Location data can blow an alibi just as surely as it can make one.

This kind of shit is why I keep telling people to thoroughly divest in every way from Meta. They’re just going to keep doing shit like this.

Is the evidence of your eyes with every new Meta acquisition not enough? Is what happened to XMPP not enough? The last twenty-four years of technological history is littered with these robber barons embracing, extending, and extinguishing everything that competes with them, and you’re gonna ask me for journalistic articles WRITTEN BY THE SAME FLUFFMEISTERS THAT SOFTBALL THESE ROBBER BARONS???

You’re a fuckin riot.

Simple: kick out Meta. There is no solution in which you take in anything of theirs and they don’t take that a country mile to extinguish your shit. Or have we not learned ANYTHING from the era of Silicon Valley neofeudalists buying up everything with even an iota of soul and murdering it just to make a point?

Bigoted and trying to hide it behind “buhhhh buhhh it’s just a joke guise” like that tactic hasn’t been cracked for like a decade

Still not my problem; my man you should not be talking about jobs and who holds 'em when Amerika is looking at a job shortage because of all the offshoring. I said what I said with my whole chest; if you work for them in any form, facility, or function, or uplift those who do, I consider you an opp

The PM of China has nothing to fucking do with Mark Lizardman Zuckerberg wanting your data, please shut the fuck up if you’re going to be verifiably ignorant

Not any of our problems; if you willfully work for Meta after everything that has come out about them, you’re a scab against the people and shouldn’t be regarded past that point. Fuck should I care about techbros who wouldn’t know solidarity if it popped out of a manhole and blew a new hole in their ass for?

Just another plank in the floor that is “why I don’t use Twitch” (most of the planks are ‘fuck Amazon’)

If it uses my data and hasn’t paid for my data, it’s stealing from me. You don’t get to have it both ways; either we can have a communist system where I don’t need to worry about my bottom line anymore; or we can have this capitalist bullshit and you can fuckin pay me for every time your machine’s data-gripper reaches into my metaphorical pockets.

It’s almost like he pluralized something implying “go get more”. I’m not playing semantic gymnastics with you tech"bro" ballbags this morning

says a thing

“no I didn’t say that thing”

average day on feddit 🙄

Throwing more bodies at a situation does NOT solve the situation faster or more efficiently; seriously, this shit is the most remedial, 101-level shit in pretty much any field where man-hours are a measuring metric.

This is why nothing with the Apple logo passes through the threshold of my home; not even their bullshit assed phones. If I’m working on degoogling myself, why in the fuck would I want to regoogle myself through another logo?

I mean, a search engine is literally the last thing on the internet I’d pay a subscription for. In a world where literally everything else nickels-and-dimes us for subscription service, search engines, torrent trackers, game modders who paywall their mods, and other kitschy non-essentials are literally the first things to get shuffled off the monthly budget.

If we weren’t in such a deep recession that I pay as much a week for my gas as I do my groceries, with rent and ACTUAL bills eating the majority of what’s left, I’d feel a bit differently; but if wishes were horses, we’d all ride. I literally had to start growing my own green rather than buying it, the economy’s so shit.

“[Google] also dismisses DuckDuckGo’s approach to privacy as one of its failures, claiming that the approach leads to “significant trade-offs to search quality,” by not utilizing data like search sessions, a signed-in experience, and more.”

gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross

And like that, you’ve broken clause c of my rules-- I don’t hold dialogues with those who even so much as sound like settlers, and that was a real crackerish JAQoff you just pulled there my boi. Fuck out my inbox.

Imagine, after my people are still getting literally genocided by the occupation government that stole us from our homes, forced us to build their country for them, then spent 200 years telling us they’d never pay us for it; imagine thinking that I’m ever going to waste my time reserving more of my energy for people halfway 'cross the world, that ain’t never oppressed me and never will, when my most immediate problem is you, and everyone who thinks like you.

Real talk, if you can’t wrap your malaised meat around the concept that your mentality is my enemy before any external ‘enemy’ that y’all claim to have, you’re not fit to discuss with.

Fuck does any of this have to do with my point? ‘Authoritarian’ is just a McCarthyite smear in the first place; I’m talkin about not being able to trust the settler-colonial government to handle my race’s data, at all, in any manner or circumstance, and civil disobedience against said settler-colonials. It’s not about ‘authoritarian’ countries to me, it’s about blatantly-racist settler-colonials that can’t be trusted, and don’t you ever fix your fingers to try and ‘amend’ my words again.

Counter-point: You don’t get to scrape my face to feed it into a settler-written algorithm that can’t be trusted to not misidentify the faces of my race; and you especially don’t get to expect I won’t thwart those attempts every time I have to leave my house. My consent to that is not given, and unfortunately, I don’t have a choice in whether or not I have to leave my house sometimes.

Do I give the air of someone who gives the first fuck about ‘legality’ under settler-colonial ‘legal’ frameworks?

“Your ad blocker is–” uh, uh, uh, it wasn’t doing that before you pushed a malicious commit to make it do that from your side. How about you turn off your ad CDNs?

See I was hypothesizing earlier without the time to actually investigate–I’m actually kinda pleased y’all immediately turned this up. The only real downside I can see is just like the fediverse, there’s hundreds of “one, two, and four account” pods out here when we probably could’ve done with maybe a couple dozen that actually have hundreds of musicians contributing. The biggest issue, as always, appears to be organization and mass sprawl, rather than vertically building something tight and populated

An activitypub-hosted Bandcamp or Soundcloud expy’d be neat as shit honestly