
  • 8 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2024


This thing is really scary, any other articles?

Does MATRIX recipients know my IP?
I wanna know if MATRIX recipients know my IP, and more globally what the recipients know about me (how the matrix protocol works). THX

Because today if you find a Signal app on Fdroid you’re sure that it’s nonofficial, on the play store only one app is allowed, the official.

Signal is using Google Push messaging, but it could be used with websocket. And officially it’s not on fdroid because they don’t want forks of their app

Right, you should see this article too about the upcoming vote (

PS: Thanks you to have republished my post

Try your best to switch apps, and maybe one day you will succeed

They don’t want to forbid the encryption only to backdoor to have a control on it. But that’s almost impossible to backdoor all of them…

I know that the law is almost impossible to apply but first we have to stop it, if they gain the power of reading trough WhatsApp and else, they could ask for more after

Almost everything is better than WhatsApp

Read this how it affects you text :

All of your chat conversations and emails will be automatically searched for suspicious content. Nothing remains confidential or secret. There is no requirement of a court order or an initial suspicion for searching your messages. It occurs always and automatically.

Intelligence services and hackers may be able to spy on your private chats and emails. The door will be open for anyone with the technical means to read your messages if secure encryption is removed in order to be able to screen messages.

That’s right but the EU wants to break the E2EE encryption for its power

That’s why the EU wants to control the chats. They would ask to software producers to backdoor their apps, and Meta Google and Microsoft would be OK with it.

Matrix is in fact decentralized, SimpleX too. But Signal is centralized.

For sure! The EU will tell to the apps to backdoored their encryption to accept this law. For example Google, Meta and Microsoft are okay with it if it is implemented. And Signal would leave the EU market.

Chat surveillance law by the EU Parliament?
The results are showing up... Now we have to hope for the law to be declined... Already discussed about the chat control law of the EU, here :

Would like to have something with a strong encryption and good capability of tweaking

Would maybe choose Signal for its simplicity but I do not would like to use threema, it is a bit too related to his company, rather prefer simplex as example

In fact you could say that for now XMPP is the best in your opinion, but a bit technical?

What’s the best messaging platform?
Cross-posted from : Hi, I wanna know what is the most secure and best messaging app/platform... Need an app that is crossplatform and has a very good numbers of features and security. (And it has to be FLOSS) I thought about XMPP clients, Signal, Session, IRC clients.. Propose and explain me your choice

You don’t think that XMPP clients are better, like conversations or others?

Just use heliboard (openboard’s fork to accept multiple languages spelling-correction), you dont have to search further

Waterfox is for me the go-to browser for most people, better than default Firefox but not as good as librewolf, good balance of privacy and convenience

Hummm, gonna download the entire web, and speak with smoke signals 👍👍

And for privacy or security?

Wooo that list is crazy 🤯

Humm, okay, but for example is there any possibility to spoof normal installation to websites?

I wanna go a bit beyond, like I’m using arkenfox’s user.js but it’s not as complete as i would, and I’m using some extensions, and the main part that i would improve is my fingerprinting, any ideas? And for android, going to use Mull but do you have any recommendations?

Best browser tweaks for privacy?
Hello, always wanted to know the absolute best to have the most private (and secure) browser, need tips for android and linux. I think Firefox based browser are the best choice but i'm open to recommendations!! THX

Maybe for app banking app (and even…), it could be understanding but for instagram, NEVER! Even for security reason… Bro they don’t care about anything on their network, allow soft porn and all that kind of stuff. And after all of that they are going to come to say that it is for security reasons 😂 Stay on the “libre” web, Lemmy is a great start! 👌

You have first to be the most degoogled you can, you have to abandoned the most of the big companies services as google, Facebook… Delete Instagram, do not use WhatsApp and Messenger, watch YouTube through Piped or Individious, uninstall bloatware on your phone (maybe install a custom rom, like /e/ os, a go-to for privacy). Be aware of what you post and your personal identity. The only case when VPNs are the first thing to do is when you have to spoof your IP because of restrictions or any others…

What do you think about Invisible Pro?
I have some concerns about this app and I'm asking if it's useful or not, not the app itself but more the 3 protocols included in it. I2P, DNSCrypt and TOR. **What is you opinion?**

A few weeks ago, leaks from a Chinese company specialized in hacking were revealed publicly. We learned about the ways of hacking and much more, very interesting article to read! 👍 > I-Soon was founded in Shanghai in 2010. Its CEO, Wu Haibo (吴海波), is a “first-generation red hacker or Honker and early member of Green Army which was the very first Chinese hacktivist group founded in 1997” according to a Natto Thoughts blog post on the company from October 2023

> Hundreds of websites misconfigured Google Firebase, leaking more than 125 million user records, including plaintext passwords, security researchers warn. Once again do not use google based apps, degoogled yourself, and don't trust big companies, have a (de)goo(gle)d day!

Hardware Chinese & USA trackers?
Hello everyone, I have a question : Does Android phone have **hardware based trackers**? Not with the telecom part (for sure it has some), but especially in the CPU... And are **Chinese** phones **worst** than **USA** branded? So is the fact of having a degoogled os resolved the problem? Thx 😃