Linux hobbyist, Machinist and tinkerer

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Surface pro 3 with nobara works really well for a tablet. Touchscreen driver works after surface kernel is installed. There is also a ublue support for the surface i beleave. Only downside is battery life 3 hours if your lucky because of the cpu.

And that one other time the US goverment built a super computer out of Ps3’s (no im not joking)


Its me mario on the ps2

The real question as can you run gentoo on the Ps2

(I believe playstations runs a version of gentoo for its OS? I think)

Follow up message be like

“Hi this is mark from instagram, so a face scan wasnt enough to verify your account. We sent you vials to fill with your dna, so we can be 100% sure.just to verify that you are who you say you are thanks!.”

My theory is that apple wont let the developer share there code for IOS because of “security”

I remember an emulator (retro arch i think?) Got on ios at one point and was later removed because it showed apples file system layout. Which apples reason was “because it could be used to make malware for IOS”

I feel like there is some similar thing with signal IOS

Saying you have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide is the equivlent. of saying i dont need the freedom of speach beacause i have nothing to say.

I belive the quote is from cory doctrow. BASED person

Sombody need to make somthing like nix-infect for windows

(It lets you turn any linux system into nixos)

Did not know fedora silverblue had a hardend fork! Thanks for sharing

New idea, rap every usb cable in a condom. Somthing somthing health class?

The Ai girlfriend

-user “hey babe can i tell you somthing intimate?”

-Bot “yes”

-user “i wish my cat didnt pee all over my floor”

-Bot "you could use Oxyclean™ a stain fighting cleaner, (goes on and on about paid adverts) and after your down you can by premium litter from Stinky shit litter company.

Its sad Ai girlfreinds exist and i mis bill maze :(

Fair point but why does signal have a position available for signal desktop on there web page? That’s rather odd to have it community maintained.

Signal doesn’t trust messages server side. And the official flatpak made by the signal foundation are verified. So as long as you use the flatpak its safe.

I personally wouldn’t touch WhatsApp with a 10foot pole. As it is owned by Facebook, the company who earlier this year paid a company to compromise TAILS OS to find a pedo. Which its not the fact that they threw a pedo in jail. But the fact they compromised anonymity and in no way are a government body!!! So glowies be glowing hard at Facebook.

They also have done other spooky shit. Which is why the only reason I use Facebook is to sell my shit.

We could also talk about the OS and hardware your using to message people for security. If you want to know more read permanent record by Edward snowden. Its a great book and talks alot about PRISM and other spooky stuff

Not arkenfox, But that about tor browser?

Were the link go? I’m too spooked to click

When I was in high school I had my school laptop and my Linux laptop, if I needed to do work I would download the file on the school laptop and use a USB to move it to my Linux laptop to work on it. It was tedious but was the only way as we had latitude 2 in 1s that had a soldered in ssd. So I couldnt swap hdd, I ran zorinOS on a Lenovo t450 and it worked really well for school work

—edit Light speeds a bitch

There’s places like Cuba I believe that has a internet only for the country meaning not connect to the world wide web. And I remember reading an arctical about how there internet gets new content by people smuggling or bringing in USB drives with information like kiwix.

Prying parents, I won’t say they were overkill but they would look through my phone weekly and if I left it unlocked they would browse through my private messages and stuff. Now I have a separate password for everything have all of my important files in Knox on my phone a 1tb encrypted partition on Nixos and I plan to replace my phone eventually with a google pixel running graphine. I hated being spyied on and its sad that there’s people who live like this in general. The only plus is I convinced my friends to use signal and that’s how we call and chat now.

I fucking loved that book. There’s a sequel that came out, its not as good as the orginal but it continues the story and pretty ok.

yeah, i get the disadvantages of bio-metrics, however i kinda thought about worse case. lets say i have my yubi key and i misplace it, a bad actor gets a hold of my key and uses it to unlock my accounts. however if i got the yubikey with biometics if someone got there hands on it. its a paperweight with out my fingerprint. so its not that i think that bio-metrics is super secure but its added protection against theft. and a very interesting article. and i will try to setup udev rules as the guide you have sent may solve my problem, also thanks for the advise!!

i did find FEITIAN BioPass FIDO2 which still is not open sourced but is an alternative for a yubikey, there is no app tho

i think an opensource option is a good idea however the only reason why i want a yubi key is for the yubikey Bio. which has a fingerprint scanner to make sure its really you. i dont know of any other brand that has a finger print scanner for 2FA. if it wasnt for the scanner i would probably go with a solokey

![]( so ive been looking into a Yubikey because i want 2FA on all of my accounts. however on yubicos website it says it supports linux. but the documentation is confusing and i want the Authentication app to setup my Yubikey on my main OS (NixOS) it seems that yubico only supports ubuntu, which i tried using in distrobox but with no success. so i looked on flathub and found this app however it gets me kinda spooked that the app is made by the community. is it safe to use my yubi key with? and if not does anyone have any idea how to compile from source, which btw im kinda a noob at compiling from source which i know is ironic because i run nix. link to flathub application

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this just the same idea as the Tor network?