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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Mainly it’s similar to yours but recently I’m at an elevated risk of targeted attacks due to work. I don’t think anyone will or has tried to hack me though except by trying random old leaked credentials, but that doesn’t count.

Why do they hate JS so much? Haven’t they used the modern internet?

Maybe but it’s a far cry from Mozilla being an advertising company.

They aren’t even remotely close to companies like Google.

which users should already be doing anyway.

Not necessarily. If you want to support the software it’s generally a good idea to leave it on as it helps the devs find bugs and what features are needed and what existing features that are used.

Sure, but that’s pretty hard to do with thousands upon thousands of different governments and government linked entities but at national governments absolutely should.

you’re a scab against the people and shouldn’t be regarded past that point.

WTF‽ They are trying to stay alive, not murder your parents!

Do you think they are well paid or something? If you have an income, they likely earn 100 times less or something.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with users on some instances?

Sure, I guess it’s a hard problem unless you have the easy solution. Fortunately the easy solution is easy.

Isn’t HDCP crap? If I remember correctly it’s extremely easy to buy HDCP compliant splitters and stuff that just strips all protection.

Yes, but people obviously shouldn’t comment and get mad unless they have at least read some of the article.

This is a feature for complex enterprise networks and exclusively so. Enabling it will be very opt in, as you will have to do quite a bit of set-up before it works.

Yeah, this sounds like a pretty interesting feature that will (in theory at least) make enterprise networking more secure.

I highly doubt this will even be possible to use on Windows home or maybe even Pro. It’s probably locked behind at least some kind of extra licence as well.

It will also likely require quite a bit of effort to set up properly in enterprises.

People are freaking out over absolutely nothing. Just read the article and use common sense.

It’s a security feature. Microsoft is not breaking anything. It’s the sysadmin that could accidentally break their own stuff if they don’t set it up correctly.

They don’t even have to set it up if they don’t want too.

Honestly? I wouldn’t trust either.

Or just use consent-o-matic

What about first party cookies?

Won’t help with websites that (illegally) have cookies enabled by default.

But how did you pay for the PO box? Using cash, think of the fingerprints. And don’t forget about the post office spies

Luckily I don’t need to think too much about that anyways.

In my country lots of personal information is public information. If anyone knows my name they could very easily find my exact address and the names of everyone that lives at my address and their phone numbers, what me and they earn, and so on.

I’m only referring to information I consider to be “private” like phone numbers, names, addresses. Job history and such is not that private.

Yes that’s because all companies pretty much use AD and exchange is also popular (but less so now with exchange online)

Both are also extremely valuable for companies and thus attackers.

Ransomware attacks pretty much always rely on missconfiguration and/or social engineering.

Why not? It’s always convenient to have if you need to quickly fix or troubleshoot something.

But yes generally servers aren’t accessed graphically.

Where do you get a key for the price of a cup of coffee? The ones I found are quite expensive.

I really like mullvad but I unfortunately had to switch because they removed port forwarding. I first switched to Airvpn which is decent but has a max bandwidth of around 600 Mbits/s and I wanted 1000 at minimum but optimally 2000+. Proton VPN fits that requirement well. Unfortunately port forwarding is annoying because they give you a new port every time you connect.

Fortunately there are forks of the VPN app that automatically change the port configuration in qbittorrent. I’m pretty sure I use this one: https://github.com/ravesheep/ProtonVPN-windows

There are similar solutions for Linux.

You can still use reddit with a vpn if you login. The error message even tells you that.

If that is the case then adoption should be easier.

As far as I know the majority of YouTubers revenue still comes from youtube ads and not sponsorships.

Does nebula work for small YouTubers? I imagine it would be extremely hard for a small youtuber to get accepted into a platform like that.

Yeah, I had to update and re patch my revanced app

Imo apps knowing what city I am in is very different from apps knowing exactly where I am. While I wouldn’t want to leak either my exact location or my city to someone that shouldn’t have access to it, I don’t really mind that much (compared to exact) if someone knows the city.

A weather app barely needs any accuracy so it shouldn’t have it. But a navigation app does so it gets it.

Yes, you can obviously already do that.

Whether you trust them or not is a different issue.

Yeah, the price is lower if you buy the OEM versions.

I personally believe the msrp to be the actual price though.

Yes I know what essentials edition is. I just wanted to point out that datacenter edition is very expensive because it’s funny.

Btw, essentials is actually 500 USD and standard is 1070 USD


Windows server obviously isn’t intended for consumers so no, it’s not cheap. The pricing for Windows Server datacenter is extremely high at 6 155 USD

I had a friend that was convinced that facebook was listening because she was talking about some ice cream and later got an ad for said ice cream.

Well, of fucking course you got an ad for ice cream. It’s fucking summer, you will get ads for ice cream in the summer.