
I use Arch btw

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


There is a fork on F-Droid that isn’t reliant on Google push (it uses Unified Push) called Molly. I donate to both Molly and Signal.

I guess that crosses Tile off of my list of tracking devices for my belongings. Would I have to deal with an apple airtag then?

The US uses the Patriot Act to spy on innocent people under the guise of terrorism. Once you open the door, they knock the wall down.

I honestly don’t see how they can regulate pgp encryption. How would that work?

I use Signal either way so if I were to go iphone, it wouldn’t matter much.

  • Right to repair and own

  • They own decryption keys

  • Can’t use without an account so you can’t deGoogle or deApple them

Made me look for internet archive merch and found they actually do have a store for it


ACLU has done a lot of good. For instance, their lawyers have fought to not give up Signal users’ information in court cases.


I kind of mentally prepared for it when I got my ID. Not only that but they also fingerprint your right thumb.

Donate to eff, aclu, and other privacy organizations.

Simplelogin gives you 10 aliases for free. You can pay to add your own custom domain. I’m just afraid of adding mine because I don’t want to get my domain blacklisted. Also, if you already pay for Proton Unlimited, then Simplelogin Premium is free.

I don’t believe that would be an issue if you would go into outlook for example and change your email from john@Police.de to john@Polizei.de. If this was done then the forgot your password wouldn’t function because that email address now doesn’t have an account associated with it.

I think the issue was the account never being deleted or transferred. Which my question was why weren’t they deleted or transferred? If they were too lazy to do that then at the very least, hold onto the old domain so they couldn’t be used.

Damnnn. What I don’t understand is why the old accounts still exist, they should’ve changed the accounts to use the new email address. Also, they should’ve thought to buy up the old domain and redirect it to the new domain so nobody can use that for malicious purposes.

I agree. Y’all just really baby eaters if you think mac and cheese is the best food ever.

I gladly donate it month to Signal. Love my freedom of speech

The team has done it! Hurrah!.

So you’re implying that if the phone doesn’t have a google account signed in, it won’t even have the find my device when powered off? Sounds good.

But all emails are encrypted so they can’t be read anyways.

Yeah you get like 10. Which is still pretty useful if you manage them correctly. Like one for banking, one for gaming, random signups, etc

I just tested out Kubuntu and it runs pretty well. I use arch for my main system.

Proton, sometimes you might need to connect to a random server like something in Philippines for example, then you won’t get captcha. If I encounter a site that flags my server then I do that.

One of the few corporations (along with kde and Mozilla) I would happily share by data to

Nah they should’ve made csgo2 a different game in the store and keep csgo1 the same like they did for cs source and all the other older versions

  1. My personal phone number is different from the number I use for dmv, documents, banking so I don’t get telemarketer ads or whatever.

  2. I use ublock, vpn with filter block, dns with adblocking

  3. I pretty much only use lemmy and I use ddg for search engine.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a political ad. Perhaps when I used youtube’s app but I use libretube, newpipe, youtube piped now.

They checked over 160 brokers and my info was only on 71 of them, which they opted out of. There are probably more data broker sites who use the data on one of these so the rest of my info got scrubbed that way.

You said I’m not good with searching myself, how do you suggest I look for myself then?

This is kind of an odd line of reasoning to hide behind. One one hand you are willing to pay to have your data removed, on the other hand you don’t mind a service actively handing over data because its “already out there”

I’m just saying that worst case scenario, I will repeat to them information they could’ve easily found online already, so there’s not much damage they can do that hasn’t already been done.

It would be less of an issue if once your data is removed its permanent but there is nothing stopping brokers from re-adding you, and now your on the radar of new brokers.

Yes, some of these brokers might re-add, this is why I pay for the service, it will check again throughout the year, every 4 months iirc. If you were to do this manually, I don’t think you would have the time or patience to opt out of over 160 sites every 4 months.

I think all modern browsers already switch to https only but if you want more browser options there is stuff like Firefox Focus and Brave browser on ios. You can put adblockers in firefox focus I think and brave has one built in if you’re into that. But yeah, sucks they all have to run webkit.

Check out nextdns or quad9. Though, on mobile, I would look into using a vpn like mullvad or protonvpn, they have malware and ad blocking built in too. I prefer this method because I use school wifi a lot and they force their google dns on the phone so I can’t use nextdns or quad9, vpn will get around that and filter your traffic.

I’ve searched the web for my name, home, and phone number. Haven’t found anything on myself yet.

Your information is already out there, they could’ve easily have found the information by indexing the other sites as well, they didn’t have to wait for you to submit a request with info they could’ve found online.

Same thing with Easyoptouts, these guys don’t ask for anything other than the information you want removed already public online, they don’t ask for ssn or any other private info.

Yeah, I have considered doing this and I just don’t have the time and patience for it. I currently pay $20/year for easyoptouts and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I believe they check back and scrape periodically throughout the year and it’s very effective.


Data Removal Services
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any of these companies, just a guy trying to get his data removed online. My last post on here I asked for advice on how to remove my information or just straight up not use my physical home address and instead maybe a p.o box. After all the feedback I got, I decided that it wasn't going to be possible. Also, it might not even be the bank that leaked my information but my government. Doesn't matter too much to me but it got leaked in the first place. As I looked at my data online I noticed that every one of my family member also had their info leaked, so it very well could be the government voting and dmv databases needing to have public records. So knowing this, that every citizen needed to have their info leaked online, what can I do about it? So there's pretty much one option, opt out and request data removals. Now I'm too lazy to go through the sites and request opt outs for each of them. So I decided to look at paid services that do this. So far I had DeleteMe, Incogni, Optery, Norton Privacy Assist, StackSocial, PrivacyBee, EasyOptOuts, etc. Who did I choose? After a lengthy time of searching, I chose [EasyOptOuts](https://easyoptouts.com) TLDR; They're $20 a year, do removals 4 times a year and they wiped my info in less than 24hrs so it's worth every penny to me. I wrote more about them in my [blog post](https://liluzibird.github.io/blog/2024/02/how-to-erase-your-information-online/) if you guys want to learn more.

How Do I Avoid Giving Home Address to Bank?
I've heard of things like iPostal and Traveling Mailbox. Do these services allow you to register with bank, DMV, IRS, Voting, etc? How do they work? Would a normal P.O box using its physical address from USPS work? I've tried researching it and haven't gotten clear answers. I don't want to show up on those whitepages sites with all my information on them. I want to stop it from the start.

> California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Delete Act yesterday, making it possible for Californians to either ask data brokers to delete their personal data or forbid them to sell or share it, with a single request.