If Gmail proved anything, it was that people would, for the most part, accept any terms of service. Or at least not care enough to read the fine-print closely.

I don’t mind paying for email if it’s actually private. One advantage I found to using Proton Mail instead of my self hosted email server (other than the obvious convenience, config, maintenance, blocked port 25, IP reputation so you don’t end up in spam, etc) is that the more people start to migrate off of Google and onto Proton, the more emails between Proton users will be E2E encrypted by default, so it’s one of those “the more users, the better” kinda things.

Same with Tuta. Even though emails between a Proton and Tuta user aren’t E2E, it’s still a net benefit for everyone if more people switch to these private solutions.

And to be fair, they were upfront about it…

The problem now is that 1) Google products turned from innovative to barely functional (with every improvement coming in a soon to be killed new app) and 2) they went from your data to show you ads to profiling people’s fart strength

Now that I think of it, thesgiy e free products also differ from inflation … You get to pay with even more of your privacy for an increasingly shittier product

With the rate of turnover at tech companies, some of their more fundamental legacy offerings are just black boxes at this point.

I believe 100% that to be the case


The problem is that if you run your own email server at home, you get blocked as a spammer these days. Today, to send emails you MUST use one of the big providers, or your email won’t get delivered half of the times. One has no alternative but to use these free services.

I run a couple small mailservers. It’s still possible.

Not if you set it up properly.

You can have your email hosted by Gmail or Outlook and still get flagged as spam if you don’t complete the exact same set up requirements. (SPF, DKIM, etc)

I have my own email server and they don’t block me AFAIK. I need to test more anyways

in 2017, Google finally caved. That year, the company announced that regular Gmail users’ emails would no longer be scanned for ad personalization (paid enterprise Gmail accounts already had this treatment).


I don’t think paying will solve anything. Some genius will one day just think “but what if we just charged more. But what if we made our service worse so they pay more to restore it. But what if we just merge with even shittier people so they can do all this shitty stuff.”

It’s never enough, it will never be enough. It’s self hosted and open source or barbarism.

Self-hosting was always the intent. Open source ended up being a bonus. People 30 years ago wouldn’t understand why something like facebook would even need to exist. The internet is designed so literally everyone can have their own website.

Remember when we would climb over 10 office desks to try to snatch an invite to this new “G mail” service with a whole Gig of space?

We were literally begging to have them steal all our personal correspondences, bank statements, etc

Even then, Hotmail, Y! Mail and your shitty ISP’s shitty POP mailbox were reading the contents of your emails and selling adverts based on the contents. At least with GMail they gave us the dignity of a nice UI and adequate storage.

At that time I honestly doubt NetZero was scanning my emails to deliver targeted ads. Doing that required hiring teams of engineers to write the software to do the scanning, scoring, and then mapping advertisers to specific customer groups. Its non trivial.

Most ISPs didn’t have the money or the foresight to do that.

I don’t know who NetZero are/were, but a number of UK ISPs were selling email and browser keywords to advertisers in the early aughts, including big players like BT and FreeServe. Some even tried to launch a project that would use DPI to inspect all web and email traffic and dynamically inject ads into email and webpages.

I member!!

Okay back in the Don’t Be Evil days, the business model expressed that no human should ever see private data except its owner. Google’s business clients could ask Google questions about data analyses involving cross sections of thousands of users, but couldn’t ask about individuals. Also you could tell Google to send ads to car owners (though normal Google advertising channels) and they would, and report how many users saw your ads.

Then two things became a problem.

One was internal affairs. Not just Google techs stalking their exes but people stealing databases of names and selling them to information collection orgs. So if you were a debt collector, it was good to have a friend in Google.

Also the PATRIOT act, FBI, DHS, NSA and eventually all of US law enforcement. Judges let them look at the raw Google data, which Google actually resisted with a high-powered legal team, but eventually the judges let law enforcement have at, which is how we have reverse warrants fulfilled by Google today.

In the aughts, Google was supposed to figure out a technological solution, so that the police could tap at the computer or look at the (salted) data all they want and without end user keys which no-one could access, they’d be SOL.

But they did too little too late, and nowadays, enough info on one person could narrow then down to a single human being, which John Oliver demonstrated a couple of years ago by building info kits on everyone in the US Senate, including acts of fraud and illicit affairs.

It was a good idea, and still may be if it’s started locked down like Crystal Palace, but Google can’t do it anymore.


Within two years of Gmail going viral people were screaming from the tops of any soap box, tree and mountain You are the product!! but as these things always go, very few people paid attention.

Convenience is above all else

And not just a little bit of convenience. At that time, Hotmail had like 14 MB of space whereas Gmail had 1 GB. Before, you were constantly out of space, whereas Gmail users could keep on going without ever deleting anything.

Would you rather walk if you could have a personal uber driver with a Mercedes? Well, the driver is super creepy, but least the seats are soft. He will take you everywhere for free, but will also know everything about those rides and the conversations you had during them.

Yahoo was the competition as far as space is concerned. Even today, it offers a whopping 1 TB for email.

its honestly weird that email is still a thing. it is an outdated protocol which is a privacy nightmare even without big tech usurping it.

It’s the only decentralized communication protocol for personal messages that is widely adopted. And yes, it’s a privacy nightmare.

It’s not outdated. The chance of a newer electronic communication method being ubiquitous and also relatively open (e.g. not associated directly with a company) is slim. PGP encryption (another “old” technology) solves the privacy nightmare piece. People just have to use it.

Also I recommend selfhosting email. Mailinabox.email is pretty brainless.

It isn’t surprising that something outdated is still used

What’s the alternative that everyone has and you can make a new one without much issue or privacy infringement?









We still use email because it’s ubiquitous. Boomer to Zoomer, everyone has at least one email address.

Political Custard

I was listening to a Linux podcast and one of the people on it said that their partner didn’t mind adverts and didn’t mind their data being mined because it meant that the adverts were more appropriate. I was absolutely stunned, I didn’t think anyone, for one moment, would actually think like this. I had to have a sit down after hearing that. 😅

If I were to ever see an advert on my computer or phone, I would immediately flip out and have to go searching to find out how it got there (though admittedly this never actually happens).

I’ve heard it too. People saying they like the ads because they’re more customized.

Makes me want to vomit


People forget how expensive just basic email was until Gmail was released in 2004.

Free / included with every internet I had since 1999… when was it even moderately expensive?

Yeah it has always been free for me too.

I think the major thing Gmail brought to the table was 1GB+ email storage when most free options at the time it was 1-5MB or so. I remember it being an insane increase in the available storage.

Thereby tieing you to your ISP forever unless you were willing and able to keep changing your email address.

Never. Use. Your. ISP’s Included. Email. Service.


My 20 year old Steam login uses a defunct ISP email from the dial up days. I changed the actual email associated with it for passwords etc. but my login is still “deranger@oldisp.com”

But the point I was trying to make is email has always been free or included, in my experience. The fact Gmail was free was never the draw imo.

We were warned, too.


It was never not creepy and wrong.

NEVER. Just because it’s been two decades of people not thinking about it doesn’t change that.

I remember, at that time, I was more worried about how admins in my local ISP spend their time than some far away company.

I still remember being a young kid (11-12) and running a program to scan my local ISP in my small town (back then small ISPs could easily get government grants and become a monopoly) for insecure SMB servers or something. I suddenly got a flood of results like

  • /private/passwords.txt

  • /administrator/USD###-users.txt

All kinds of tasty things. Very excite. Then the results started pouring in by the thousands…





Things like that. I immediately shut my computer down and that was probably the first time my dad saw me not eat for a day. Didn’t ask why I wasn’t sleeping much the week after that 😄

Also I Googled for the filenames and found nothing. So if you’re the 50-70 year old who wrote that script and happen to see this, I’d love to get a message with the ISP name. They are in a number of small-medium size towns around my hometown now.


If it’s free from a for profit company, you’re most likely the product


Which today though does not mean that if you pay for something like this that you are not also the product. Double-dipping for companies, so to say.

Hence caveat emptor. Research your company. I can say that the online services I pay for don’t gather my data and don’t sell it either. And they hold no leverage over me, the second they do any of those things I would drop them like a sack of potatoes.

Gmail wasn’t even the first, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, there were tons of free email offerings, even sites that would host your whole website for free like geocities. Gmail came into the market when 3rd party email being free was already well established. They just followed an Apple style of development, taking something that already exists and made a better version of it. Also back then their motto was still “Don’t Be Evil” and they mostly still kept to it, so they used that goodwill and the better user experience to grow it at a massive rate. And for the most part, its still the best experience for email for many cases.

The main advantage of Gmail at the time was honestly that they did away with tiny mailbox sizes and attachment limits.

Yes, it was 1GB so you never had to delete anything.

And their slogan was “search dont sort” googles search box was very advanced at the time compared to the free alternatives

I remember the counter too. The ever growing available capacity of my mailbox that was more space than I could ever use. Just open Gmail and watch that number grow

The web UI was also vastly superior to Hotmail or Yahoo


And they blocked way more spam

Little did we know that it was them that was the real spam

The real spam was the friends we made along the way

Ain’t that the dang truth! lol

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