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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 18, 2024


And to be fair, they were upfront about it…

The problem now is that 1) Google products turned from innovative to barely functional (with every improvement coming in a soon to be killed new app) and 2) they went from your data to show you ads to profiling people’s fart strength

Now that I think of it, thesgiy e free products also differ from inflation … You get to pay with even more of your privacy for an increasingly shittier product

Insurance companies already extrapolate such data from zip code… So it’s not speculation at all that they’d want an even more accurate metric

Basically in today’s world, you’d have less than 1% of actors that would take this data and do something productive or beneficial for you or society as a whole… The other 99% will just use this data to make money on the back of others