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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


If you’re American, some of them support transit now. I have Magic Earth and it supports it in most major metro areas (and even my dinky little city I believe lol)

Biden is passing a number of laws that do precisely those things, including making ANY criticism of Israel “antisemitic hate speech” and opening up fast passes to strip any org they don’t like of nonprofit status. Also, you can not have a credit card but that means there are certain things you aren’t allowed to access and certain areas you aren’t allowed to live. Saying “IDC” doesn’t mean you’re less restricted, just means you accept your restrictions.

I’ve seen 3 different comments lately bitching some variation “if you don’t like America go deal with China’s social credit system!”

Ah yes a credit system meant to control behavior… Surely none of us have credit cards or losns because its the only way to do certain things like even finding a rental in some areas.

logs in while connected to VPN

spends 15 minutes identifying fire hydrants, traffic lights, and stairs

This. People who believe the reasoning behind this need to understand that the same arguments were made last year and the idea was laughed at.

What’s different is Biden took on another proxy war on the side of genocide and tiktok is the only platform they can’t prevent using the word “genocide”

A federal tiktok ban is a desperate attempt to keep young people from discussing Joes pet genocide where they can’t be censored by the us govt.

Logically, seems less safe

Practically, I DO miss unlocking the screen with my thumb 🤣

That’s why starting with 10 and that massive push (I assume it still works) you could plug in literally any windows key and they’d go “Yea sure you have 10 now thnx”

I’m pretty sure I used an xp code for one of my rigs.

Yeah, I run Graphene OS. I have play store and play services for apps that need it, but theres no Google account on my phone and those apps are installed as normal apps (not elevated perms) and are also sandboxed

My understanding is that they all got together and decided to raise rates across the board.

Yeah, I don’t know alot about fairphone but I know the latest model wasn’t released in the US

I haven’t been in a Dell in a long time but I can confirm HP is still the WORST.

As someone who used to run in the juggalo crowd, idk man Faygo is perfect for some bigger scale resistence bullshit haha

When did you try DDG? I’m newer to it and have heard it get alot of grief but I’ve never had much issue.

It’s an Unpopular opinion but free speech as it gets translated in modern society can suck a dick.

Shit only applies to the left anyway, the right can call for violence against their enemies and be fine but if you say you’ll defend yourself it’s a ban on Le socials

That’s neat. I got my pixel the other day and went with graphene but who knows maybe I’ll try another sometime

I was deactivated for a couple of years, just using messenger. Probably going back to that soon.

I know Louis got into it with the go’s guy lol

IDK if it’s available on mobile, but Firefox has a Facebook container plug in that automatically isolates any Facebook or meta adjacent site to keep them from accessing anything else. It auto blocks FB elements on other sites (like those embedded comment sections or like button sticks)

I have a Pixel 8 pro coming, planned on gOS. What do you like about Calyx instead? I’ll look into that one in the morning.

Second, it’s not about winning; it’s about being the biggest pain in the ass possible for people making money off our privacy.

This. I don’t think I’m “fighting a war,” but I pay for my own email server, self host a number of services, and am waiting on my pixel 8 now to run Graphene OS on. I can’t be “off the grid” but I don’t have to fuel everyone’s data hoarding machines.

Everyone calls you crazy for de-googling until they move and Google decides it doesn’t like their new wifi and locks them out forever. 🤷

Sure, but did you know that there are progressives who want people to just “go to the doctor?!”

Stop pretending there isn’t evil on both sides!

“Hey could we maybe take any action at all to curb the over 600 mass shootings this year?”

Over half of the govt: “lulnope that would infringe on the god given right to commit mass shootings”

The home grown terrorists are actively supported by half our government.

The ‘terrorists’ they’re surveilling are community/union organizers.

I have my main email but I spun up a spare for that reason tied to my docker services on my pi. :)

I just pay for hosting 🤷. It uses Titan mail as an interface or whatever but it’s stored on my server space.

Most people still don’t understand how paying with their data affects things. Even “fuck the govt they’re tracking us” types don’t care that… They’re literally doing exactly that.

Nobody wants to listen to us and call us crazy until Google decides one day after you move that they don’t like your new wifi and permanently lock you out even though you still know your password.

Until people are willing to give up convenience for privacy, we’re stuck with these financial models unfortunately.

I care alot about caring for yourself and others, I care alot about mental health.

But he threw in with ALL the enemies of ALL those things in a bid for power. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

“You’re no longer allowed to be upset at your government and if you are you’ll be met with violence”

people use violence

“They just love violence nobody said they were upset!”