If Gmail proved anything, it was that people would, for the most part, accept any terms of service. Or at least not care enough to read the fine-print closely.

People forget how expensive just basic email was until Gmail was released in 2004.

Free / included with every internet I had since 1999… when was it even moderately expensive?

Yeah it has always been free for me too.

I think the major thing Gmail brought to the table was 1GB+ email storage when most free options at the time it was 1-5MB or so. I remember it being an insane increase in the available storage.

Thereby tieing you to your ISP forever unless you were willing and able to keep changing your email address.

Never. Use. Your. ISP’s Included. Email. Service.


My 20 year old Steam login uses a defunct ISP email from the dial up days. I changed the actual email associated with it for passwords etc. but my login is still “deranger@oldisp.com”

But the point I was trying to make is email has always been free or included, in my experience. The fact Gmail was free was never the draw imo.

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