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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


Look into the LTSC version on Win10.

It doesn’t contain UWP apps and stays on a stable version for years like Server OSs.

It’s like $130 for an upgrade license for it, or you can just run it without a license and the only downside is the watermark (that you can easily remove).

You don’t need Windows Server for that. Windows 10/11 would serve that need.

Why are people installing Server 2022 with a GUI even?

This seems like a case of “people using Windows Server as a desktop get desktop features in an update”. Yawn.

Not if you set it up properly.

You can have your email hosted by Gmail or Outlook and still get flagged as spam if you don’t complete the exact same set up requirements. (SPF, DKIM, etc)