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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2024


there is absolutely nothing that could excuse op for sharing such openly fascist symbolism, the same goes for you and your defense of his actions. the japanese committed unimaginable crimes, just like the germans, e.g. through unit 731. and no, the symbol on the flag is not a “peace sign” but a yr rune used by the ukronazi “misanthropic division” among others. the picture was probably drawn by some pasty ass weeb anyways, a demographic that is for some reason even more fascist than the rest of westerners.

its honestly weird that email is still a thing. it is an outdated protocol which is a privacy nightmare even without big tech usurping it.

i always lol about people opposing ad blockers.

oh no! my favorite unethical multinational conglomerate now has a few bucks less!

how can anybody see this as a bad thing? ad blocking is cybersecurity.