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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I use https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TB83NR2?ref=emc_s_m_5_i_atc and I just don’t use the wifi, everything can be done on device or from a PC you plug the SD card into. I know you said you want it without wifi, but without more details I don’t know if “without wifi” is a necessity or if it just is fully functional without using “wifi” is sufficient for your needs. By default wifi is disabled while the camera has power to it and is recording, and its wifi enabled/disabled state can be changed in the menu to keep it off.

Gmail wasn’t even the first, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, there were tons of free email offerings, even sites that would host your whole website for free like geocities. Gmail came into the market when 3rd party email being free was already well established. They just followed an Apple style of development, taking something that already exists and made a better version of it. Also back then their motto was still “Don’t Be Evil” and they mostly still kept to it, so they used that goodwill and the better user experience to grow it at a massive rate. And for the most part, its still the best experience for email for many cases.