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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Let’s assume it’s allowed. Obviously it’s untrusted hardware, but for widely issued corporate PCs, what’s the risk that there would be some hardware snooping going on if you controlled the OS?

I’ve done this in the past without apparent issue. Could you perhaps expand on where the risks arise here? My impression was that unless there is some independent hardware running code separate from the OS, then it would be OK?

It makes bots more expensive to create, therefore fewer will be created.

The high res version is https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/50-Years-of-Video-Game-Revenue-Dec-31.jpg

Nice chart. Surprising about VR. Wonder where the Steam Deck fits, as handheld looks like it died.

What? It’s a file browser. You know, open, copy, move, delete, share etc.

It’s not a very good one, I’ll agree to that.

More people drive a car than understand how it works. They push the pedal and turn the wheel and get where they want to go. Of course that’s fine most of the time and we can’t all understand everything like a mechanic does. But when it’s something like a car or a computer that you use so, so much in your daily life and you don’t care to have even the most basic understanding of how it works… seems strange to me.

I’d probably give Windows and Linux half that 256GB drive each, format the rest as NTFS and use them as data drives for both.

Ease up, they’re still in school and just want the pictures removed without unduly annoying a big authority in their life.

Just personally I’d request they be removed rather than state a preference.

This makes me feel a lot better about ChatGPT garbage corrupting Google search results.

Yes, agreed, it’s a matter of degrees. It’s chipping away at the identifying information we’re allowing out. It’s sad that it’s being abused for profit, but here we are.

It depends on the mask in this case e.g., a full face mask is going to be more effective than a half face mask. Walking around under a sheet with holes in it will also hamper gait analysis, but then you’re the only one walking around in a sheet.

Edit: the answer is clearly free burqas for all.

At this point for me, trying to get games working on Linux has become easier than trying to get telemetry to stop working on Windows.

I can’t access each other OS’s partitions while I’m on one or the other, correct?

Not entirely correct. Linux can read and write to NTFS partitions. However, probably a better idea, if you have three disks or partitions is to format a ‘data’ drive that Windows and Linux can share. The exFAT format might be preferred for this.

If you’re using WireGuard, then have a look for an ‘on-demand’ setting where you can define which networks require VPN.

Thanks! Good write-up indeed.

Yes, but what does it use?