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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


It remains standard operating procedure for any law abiding company, and it benefits no one to pretend that it isn’t.

This isn’t the second time, Proton complies with Swiss law regularly.

Sooo… shop around? Existing customers who show indication that they will leave are prime candidates for reaming.

With the rate of turnover at tech companies, some of their more fundamental legacy offerings are just black boxes at this point.

It is some bullshit, to be sure. Basically a middle finger as they waltz out the door.

“Show yourself out.”

Well that should put us back on track as a nation, practical solutions for our modern problems. What a relief.

How to Geek basically wants to whitelist the internet in order to get to their bloody site. Which is a shame as I like their content.

In fairness, they did specifically want Hamas to be in power to de-legitimise the idea of a Palestinian state and worked to help get rid of the more secular government of the time. As ever, that then comes back to bite them in the arse like the USA and… most regimes that it has installed a despot/religious zealot in for short term gain.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

“Use Signal” is great, but every other person you know insisting on using WhatsApp makes it moot.

Don’t be afraid to lie when it doesn’t matter. Unless it is for something official or that will impact the service, use the wrong DoB, enter the wrong name, etc… if it isn’t going to need verification then there is no need to give valid data that can be stolen or misused at a later date.

Just remember to Google the occasional obedient remark.

“Why am I so gosh darn patriotic?”

“Is it normal to never want to hurt the USA?”

Yeah… I see no reference to this anywhere… some stuff in 2021 about WhatsApp protesting privacy law changes in India and some stuff about the liability of Group Admins for things posted in groups. Nothing about broken encryption measures.

I can only assume they are referring to WhatsApp Group Admins, who are inherently part of the group, as opposed to WhatsApp company admins.

It is a consistent embarrassment and detriment to the world.

There are counters and automated terminals in UK passport control, I’ve never had much issue with the automated ones. The queue builds up for the manual checking counters pretty easily.

I have been hinting to my manager for 6-9 months that he needs to move part of my workload elsewhere so that I can focus and actually achieve something. To think, all it took was for me to tell him straight that I was unhappy and unfulfilled to the point that I was considering resigning. Suddenly he’s all apologies and let’s make changes because you’re kind of vital and we don’t want to lose you.

Well… the brain chip experience for Deus Ex wasn’t exactly fantastic. Seems reasonably on point.

At the point they can use Signal SMS for everyone else, but direct Signal for you, in the same app, you’ve effectively converted them.