So I opened Google Lens for the first time in years to identify a logo, and got prompted by this. Thank you but no thank you

Depuis quand ils nous demandent la permission pour nous piquer nos trucs ?

Depuis que l’Union Européenne leur tape sur les doigts. Mais ne soyons pas dupes, ils ont encore beaucoup de marge

Since we all no that Google’s products aren’t privacy friendly at all what privacy friendly alternatives are there to Google Lens?

  • Lentil Translate for Google Translate
  • deepL moblie apps for Google Lens. It has the real time camera translations (you may need to pay for a Pro plan to get the image/camera translations)

removed by mod

Ok Google if you really want 30,000 dick pics, who am I to say no?

If you disable the Google app it will disable lens. You’re welcome.

Quelle surprise, Google wants to violate your privacy.

Does it give all your pictures or the one you want to search for an image using AI? Cause one method makes sense as your phone doesn’t have the power to do that. If it sends all your photos to Google that’s dumb.

iOS has on-device image search without sending any of your photos somewhere, and it works quite well! I reckon any mid-to-high end google phone is powerful enough to do that too.


Depends on the operation. Basic object recognition… your phone can easily do. Can run object database against an image after you take the image and store the found objects in metadata. Then you just search the metadata.

This doesn’t have to go to the cloud if that’s all you’re doing.

I do this on my Nextcloud instance. It doesn’t require a full “AI” implementation to do at all.

Ya but to do it well you need more data correct?


No. You don’t need “more” data. I have a coral in my security setup that does object recognition. I don’t “need” to send any data anywhere else for it to do object detection of 225 fps… Split across all 8 of my cameras I can do 28fps of object detection… You only need like 5-10 fps to do it properly.

The only thing I would need “more” data from is to just get newer/better object rules, which requires nothing from me. I just download them. Nothing goes to the cloud. They even make little cheapy nuc-style boxes that can do this type of detection these days (GMKtec for instance). There’s absolutely no reason a phone can’t do this as well. I am completely non-reliant on cloud for any of these operations.

Political Custard

One of the few Google apps which is actually really good. I have used it to identify obscure parts in order to be able to repair or replace them myself. If I want to use it I have to borrow someone else’s phone. It’s the only thing I miss about Google. I am definitely not surprised about the behaviour you speak of though.

I haven’t used it in a long time. Will it not work without Google Services?

I am not sure; I’ve not tried. I degoogled my phone and I’ve not tried to put it on there since. It’s just banned completely. :D


Non, merci

More like “va chier”

I don’t like that “merci” part.

Non, putain


Should we ask them before we just take them ?

They will ask for some time, then accidentally just take them.


Yeah lol

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