So I opened Google Lens for the first time in years to identify a logo, and got prompted by this. Thank you but no thank you


No. You don’t need “more” data. I have a coral in my security setup that does object recognition. I don’t “need” to send any data anywhere else for it to do object detection of 225 fps… Split across all 8 of my cameras I can do 28fps of object detection… You only need like 5-10 fps to do it properly.

The only thing I would need “more” data from is to just get newer/better object rules, which requires nothing from me. I just download them. Nothing goes to the cloud. They even make little cheapy nuc-style boxes that can do this type of detection these days (GMKtec for instance). There’s absolutely no reason a phone can’t do this as well. I am completely non-reliant on cloud for any of these operations.

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