Politics, queer politics, techno, gayming, and books. Lots of books. Free Palestine! Trans ally. He/him.

@politicalcustard:matrix.org @politicalcustard@gaygeek.social For all the books: PoliticalCustard@bookwyrm.social

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I don’t use them mainly because they put pressure on an already problematic property market (UK). Also, I don’t want to stay in someone’s house, especially if I’m going out with friends, the anonymity of a hotel room is heaven; pop that card on the door handle and close out the world until you’ve recovered enough to face the scary outside people.

I have had a Tuta (Tutanota) account for years and they’ve always been good (I just have a free account and it’s always been fine for my needs) https://tuta.com/

While in theory it is nice that an organisation would give over so much power to its customers in terms of where donations go, it does come with the risk of problematic decisions being made. Then later, when they’ve boxed themselves into a corner, quite unnecessarily, all they can do is go along with what their customers decide and then pass on the morality of that decision to those customers. But that’s not really good enough to say “My customers made me do it!” No, you gave your customers too much power in the first place. It’s a privacy organisation so surely better to give some money to a group that supports and compliments your aims. Bellingcat (regardless of the problems raised in the article I posted) has nothing to with privacy. If people read the article and decide they are happy with Proton, then go for it. I’d rather people make a decision with their eyes open.

I’ve never used Fastmail, so I cannot comment on that but I just closed my Proton account because of their donation to Bellingcat. It might not be a problem for some but it was for me.


If I’m not using my cam, it’s not plugged in. If I am not chatting, my headset’s physical button has the mic deactivated. That’s two potential vulnerabilities I just don’t have to think about.

I use Mullvad as my default browser (so it opens links) and Librewolf for login sessions so I can store some selected cookies and connect it up with keepassxc for some password/2fa autofill goodness.

Thorium for dire emergencies if I need a Chromium based browser for the very rare cases where Mullvad and Librewolf don’t work.

Yeah, burner account. And look up loads of stuff you don’t like to confuse it. 😂

For example, “Is Thomas Friedman single?”

I like Rob, I trust him, but this video is a sales pitch for his voip service, I think this should be made clear up front. It could be the solution everyone is looking for but he takes six minutes to get to the point at which you discover it’s a sales video for a paid service he’s created.

I am not complaining about the service or what he’s offering at all and it’s good that this video has been posted for people to see - especially a non-YouTube link too. :)

It’s a very interesting coincidence. And say your co-worker was looking up stuff related to this subject why would it be you who gets served the ad? That doesn’t really make sense. If mics were listening into conversations we’d be hearing a lot more of these “coincidence” stories and it’s pretty rare to come across them. I am not saying it doesn’t happen, I don’t trust these fuckers with anything. I use Linux with NextDNS filters up the ass, and have a rooted, degoogled phone with Adaway on it because my trust is so low and I cannot stand ads - if one ever does get past my setup I immediately am searching for a way to find out how it got through, which is rare.

I love what you are doing with your house set-up. How did an ad get to you, I guess it was is on your phone.

I am not sure; I’ve not tried. I degoogled my phone and I’ve not tried to put it on there since. It’s just banned completely. :D

One of the few Google apps which is actually really good. I have used it to identify obscure parts in order to be able to repair or replace them myself. If I want to use it I have to borrow someone else’s phone. It’s the only thing I miss about Google. I am definitely not surprised about the behaviour you speak of though.

Interesting piece. It’s a bit weirdly worded in that it suggests that the police shut the accounts when really it’s Mega, Proton, Tuta who are closing the accounts. Presumably the police tell those companies which accounts are being used for illegal purposes and then those companies then close the accounts. I was a bit alarmed at first because it sounded like the authorities were closing the accounts when that’s not really the case.

If anyone knows how to get the beta without having to join the beta programme on Google Play please let me know; my phone is degoogled. They do have an apk on their site but it’s not the beta.

Tuta, I’ve had an account with them for years. Since the end of 2023 Proton Mail dropped off my list because of its funding for Bellingcat.


Proton, known for its privacy-centric email service Proton Mail, announced at the end of 2023 that it would help raise money for controversial group Bellingcat, a documented proxy British intelligence operation, through its annual Lifetime Account Charity Fundraiser.

Use a service like IronVest that gives you masked email addresses, masked (virtual) credit cards, and a masked phone number. $39/year $6/month. There might be better cheaper alternatives. https://ironvest.com/

Wow, that’s amazing, It’s huge! A staggering amount of work has gone into that, well done!

I would say “yes”. I have a rooted Android and it was very easy for me to download and install the software required to scan cards. I did this as an experiment only, I only used this on my own cards to see what information I could get off them from just passing my phone near to them. After doing that I have always used a shielded card holder.

I also never have NFC or Bluetooth running unless I’m actively using it.

I did think about this but a mail service like Proton is going to attract proportionately more attention from the authorities because its users are going to be made up primarily of people who are more privacy/security focused (perhaps with something to hide) so having user numbers is not going to be that helpful in terms of doing a comparison. Also Google has a bit of a fake account problem, and a lot of people have a Google account only to enable them to access Google services (Android, Google Docs), and some people have multiple Google accounts.

Tangentially related information… this post led me to check on how many data requests Google receives from law enforcement (internationally). The answer is about 420,000 requests in 2023 (if you take the most recent data from Q1 and Q2 2023 and double it).

Ref: https://www.statista.com/statistics/273501/global-data-requests-from-google-by-federal-agencies-and-governments/

There’s not an extension but there is an app (available as apk or from F-Droid/Google Play). The app contains all your bookmarks and easily searchable, you click on the bookmark and it opens in whatever your default browser is, in my case it’s Fennec. Not as easy as just typing in the search bar in the browser but it’s a small cost for not having a Mozilla account (I’ve nothing against Mozilla but the fewer big organisations who have my data, the better).

I started using Librewolf a few days ago and they recommend xBroswerSync in their very short list of recommended addons. This has been working fine for me although sometimes all my bookmarks disappear but that soon sorts itself out after a sync.

Recommended addons page: https://librewolf.net/docs/addons/

I get one about once-a-week, I just block and report as spam. There’s no automatic option that I’ve seen. I wish there was; my parents use Signal and I worry about them getting scammed. Thankfully they are good with asking me if they get something that’s out of the ordinary.