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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 24, 2021


Should we ask them before we just take them ?

Same plus Gmail for auto login junk

Yes, I’ve been using their services for years and I am very happy about them, they are cheap, I can connect 5 devices, I can choose to block ads, adult material or gambling, great for for my children, also their app work well on Linux and Android and they look trustworthy.

With mullvad you can use their own dns or any other dns provider.

For those who think it is an AD, it isn’t. I just like Skiff so I made a post about it to see what people from the privacy sub think of it, clearly and without much explanation most of you don’t like it. I genuinely thought it was a good company, now I am not sure anymore without knowing why. I would have loved more explainations about why is it so bad.

I also think it is great, there isn’t so many companies to choose from and after trying many of them I chose this one and I noticed they are continually improvit their product.

You can choose between Skiff storage or IPFS, IPFS is a decentralized file storage system, which means that there is no central authority controlling the system, making it more secure than traditional centralized file storage systems. IPFS uses a number of security features, such as encryption and hashing, to protect files, making it a secure way to store sensitive information.

I don’t know about email encryption except for what they say.

They call copy and paste are called move and duplicate.

As I said their app are not perfect yet but they are improving very fast, what is missing is being fixed as we speak.

I never had an issu with this game on steam, my setup is a basic dell gaming laptop with Intel i5CPU and Nvidia GTX 1650 from 3 years ago and my OS is an Arch based distro, Garuda, but I also played on other distros without problems.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, It run very well on my Nvidia GPU on Linux before and after the patch and DLC.

You could just keep vanadium and change the DNS of your phone for mullvad DNS for exemple to block the ads in (nearly ) every app.

And when you sync it and you only get your bookmarks and history but you have to disable again the data collection and google as a search engine and you have to set up again it’s looks…

Yes, I love their interface, I tested it and I already removed pcloud for them because I was only using it to sync my photos.

Thanx, I didn’t know this one, I am currently using pcloud to sync automatically my photos but filen does it too and better and without trackers.

Without copying and pasting what’s on every linux websites for the past 10 years with only changing the year and talking from personal experience i get great results on fedora silverblue.

It happened to me too some time ago, I tried using bottles and lutris, I didn’t find the cause, what I did was changing distro and it worked.

I can’t make it go further than the main menu on Wayland, didn’t try X11