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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Fair enough. I completely agree that the feature creep is concerning and aggravating. I think it comes down to them trying to grow adoption of the browser and services. Mozilla has like a 1% market share. I’ll still use it over chrome or edge. At least we can disable all the bullshit in about:config or just not sign up for the extra services.

Is this a shitpost? I’m confused as to how they’d verify if your accounts are compromised without knowing your basic info.

Well I just tried it on 3 browsers and 2 mobile browsers and they all say i have to be a paid member to read the articles. I’ll watch the video then but I much rather read.

I can’t read the damn articles because the site is paywalled…I much rather read an article than listen to a 45 minute podcast. That is why I asked you to summarize. Thanks for being unhelpful though!

Also, the podcast stream itself has like 2 minute ads interrupting me every time i skip forwards or backwards. For a source so dedicated to anti-intrusive advertising, it sure as hell is riddled to fuck with intrusive advertisements. Thanks for the amazing source ;-).

Gonna need to see a source on that one, please.

Can you summarize their findings? Did they find evidence that this is being done in the wild without opt in or disclosure? Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s being used. Obviously the tech to spy on people via microphone isn’t crazy complicated. The question is whether most apps use it. The amount of data that would be uploaded on people’s data plans would be absurd. I’m very skeptical that this is actually widely used in mainstream apps.

There have been SO many tests of this and not a single one has showed this actually happening… Just because one single company tried to brag about a tech project to get free PR doesn’t mean this is actually used…

Every single example of this happening is anecdotal. The people who tried to properly investigate this have not found it to be true. If you find a video of an actual serious research who proves this is true then I’ll admit that I’m wrong. Otherwise these types of posts are useless

If you disable the Google app it will disable lens. You’re welcome.

Huh? I know… But why would you upvote shitposts like this for visibility? Isn’t that the exact opposite of what it should be used for? Do you purposely upvote shitposts “for visibility?” If so, fuck you lol.

Yet idiots keep upvoting it. Lemmy really isn’t any better than Reddit. I’ll get down voted for saying this though because apparently it’s taboo to criticize lemmy. We have to pretend like it’s somehow magically protected from all the things that made reddit suck ass.

You could always simply not use android auto or carplay? Surely that would be a start.

Just use plex locally without an account. Problem solved.

Edit: lol why the down votes? It fixes the issue…a lot of the telemetry that Plex collects is in relation to having a library linked to an account as well as streaming remotely through their servers. If you simply use Plex local only eithout an account then it should help a ton…

You’re not wrong. At a certain point it becomes exhausting. However please don’t lose sight of the fact that this is exactly what company’s want. They want us to give up all of our data because it’s too inconvenient to be upset about it.

So yes, there is likely a line drawn for when having to flash all your devices with custom firmware becomes not worth it for the individual, however the amount of data that gets collected from “smart” devices is absolutely fucking disgusting and we desperately need actual comprehensive data privacy laws.

I’d say it’s about harm reduction at this point rather than harm elimination. Do what you reasonably can to protect your privacy but don’t let your mental health suffer because you’re paranoid that someone is going to hack your robot vacuum.

Why is every fucking post in the privacy communities just a circle jerk about Brave?

Idk and I don’t care. Just tired of watching the Brave circlejerk. Like everyone knows that company is sketchy as absolute shit. If you still want to use the browser then that’s on you. But I’m tired of seeing people screaming about it in every one of these threads lol

Yea…any app that claims to help your privacy is 100% not helping your privacy. Remember people, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is.

Basically your goal should be to have AS FEW apps installed as humanly possible.

Because this community (along with all privacy subreddits/communities) are a fucking meme.

Lol this is 100% the truth. Privacy communities are a fucking meme. 99% of posts are just people circlejerking about Firefox vs Brave.

Idk wtf you’re saying. You mean stock firefox as in firefox with no settings changed? If so, it’s not great but in no way as bad as chrome. That’s just a ridiculous statement. That being said, hardened Firefox is fine and it’s not very hard to do. By harden i mean common sense tweaks. I don’t use arkenfox or anything. I think it’s overkill at that point.

Thanks. Got it. Could a pihole potentially block this?

Edit: nvm then you just simply couldn’t open the links.

I think people just use wireguard for this. And pivpn.

Yes because Jerboa is a glitchy piece of shit and at first it appeared to be a legitimately different thread. Lemmy is still glitchy af in general. Combine that with Jerboa and it’s all fucked up

Regardless, yes, it was my bad. If you wanna keep berating me about it go ahead but idk what you wnt me to say?

So did Signal and others actually leave the UK market or did they fold like a wet paper napkin like we all knew they would?

Big corporations threaten shit all the time and then they do a complete 180 two weeks later. Take any “threat” from a corporation with 5 metric tons of salt. They’ll all whatever PR statement they think will generate the most shot term buzz.

Privacy and “SMART” anything is an oxymoron fyi., ESPECIALLY with Android.

Standard notes seemed fine for a non syncing app. I think it’s the syncing features everyone has issues with.

Who the actual fuck said this to you? Google is one of the worst companies for privacy.

I mean i guess with a pixel, you’re just being spied on by Google rather than Samsung + Google if you buy a samsung android, so in that sense, sorta? But saying a pixel is good for privacy in general is an absolutely ridiculous statement.

The fact that windows has so much telemetry is creepy yes. The fact that it will keep trying to ping the domain when blocked is not creepy and is basic tech functionality.

Then just shut it down lol. It’s gonna ping windows microsoft domains unless it’s actually off.