Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


the benefit is that it uses the existing email systems

Instant Message Delivery

These two things conflict then. SMTP as a protocol is NOT instant. Far from actually. It’s best effort.

I’m sorry, where did I repeat anything?

This would be the first time in this thread I’ve said anything about it.

If “we all know this” then why state “I think this is poor form”?

Who’s de-federating kbin then? Nobody? Well then…

Others seem to disagree.

That’s fine. You/them can disagree all you want. Just realize that they’re using it too. I just disagree with the default Lemmy stance that users can’t see something that everyone else on the fediverse(including moderators and admin on any federated instance) can. And if they want to defederate me for that. I’m not sure I care. I’ve been defederated from one instance so far… it’s not been a major loss and definitely doesn’t weigh on my conscience at all.

My sincerest apologies: three user instance 🙄

I have no interest in disclosing how many users are using my instance. They can post things if they want. That’s up to them. Many are just lurkers though.

And that includes a lot of the netsec people who see this stuff.

Wait a second! I though NO serious security people are Russophobe? Are you changing your story now?

Your own little vote charter shows one dbzer0 user upvoting as well

You have the evaluation backwards… Outside people are coming to different consensuses based on opinions and experiences that’s normal… It’s and that don’t. I would EXPECT that results were mixed, but for your instance it never is. You seem to have missed the point.

What if China and Russia started treating .us or .ca or such domains like this and demonise countries?

They literally do. Have you not heard of the great firewall? The vast majority of the internet is unusable to China… and requires a VPN to access anything. Hell, I’d say the and instances acting as hiveminds downvoting anything critical of Russia/China is also evidence of this. It’s OKAY to be critical of a government.

It is you people who project the hate you possess onto others, and you even manage to be proud of it like an absolute idiot with no merit based judgement capabilities.

Not even close. I evaluate everything as I see it. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here. Kaspersky has strong ties to the Russian government that is sufficient to warrant any “serious security” person to evaluate a different solution.

I did not fail. It is too clear to me how you are parroting US propaganda, even quoting a Democrat (Russia hater party) about it.

Yet bitdefender is a problem… And you can’t address why Kaspersky would be any different… Talk about parroting.

What room is there for reasoning with a crow like you, shitting everywhere happily?

Crows (Corvid family) are the smart birds… You mean pigeon.

Edit: Actually come to think of it? Why the ravenous defense of Kaspersky at all? It’s just an anti-virus software no? Why does me disagreeing with the use of Kaspersky in this instance warrant “makes you look like the worst slurs I could summon for an incompetent clown.” Don’t you see how unreasonable you look? How you look like a frothing lunatic?

Activitypub information is public by design. Kbin users for instance can see this information openly. There’s nothing poor form here. My instance also isn’t 1 user. But whatever floats your boat.

Edit: It’s also well known…

This nonsense is largely invented by Democrats and people at Washington

Didn’t know my own analytics is Democrat/Washington run. I guess I should go yell at the people OPNsense (Suricata), WAZUH, and Crowdsec. They must be injecting false notifications about my networks being targetted by shit from Russia and Chinese owned IP space!

Yes I edited the post, but you also seem to abuse powers as an admin of your one man instance to see unedited content.

It’s an abuse of power to read the post that’s sent to my email? Well shit! Even for a moderator you seem to not even understand how lemmy works. Let me enlighten you. I got an email with your post in it because you responded to me. What an abuse of Administrative power! Forget that 100% of activitypub network is openly published and thus viewable by anyone… Ooops.

Lmfao… you reported my post… and likely blocked/“moderated” it on your instance. Don’t really care. To the point though, when 100% of downvotes on a comment is strictly from or instances. Yes, you’re shills, not a single opposing opinion between you. No discourse. No actual thought process occurring. Just “Russia/China good, rest world bad”. No nuance at all.

You also failed to address your stance that you published. Why is it that every other platform you originally listed was a problem where Kaspersky isn’t?

Any serious security expert is not a Russophobe

Categorically wrong. One of the core focuses many security experts care about IS government overreach/interference. Governments are one of the leading pressures for software vulnerabilities/backdoors. Doesn’t matter that it’s Russian, because this isn’t a “Russophobe” stance. However, Russian and Chinese interference is usually on a much larger scale than other countries and typically has a much higher amount of scrutiny than other countries because of this fact. Due to those countries policies it’s hard to trust code that comes out of either country.

“The case against Kaspersky Lab is overwhelming,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat from New Hampshire, said in a statement. “The strong ties between Kaspersky Lab and the Kremlin are alarming and well-documented.”

Isn’t it funny that many other Anti-viruses don’t seem to have these issues?

Case and point from other countries on the government pressure argument.

Many countries have these issues documented when interference happen. You know which ones don’t? The ones that you shills usually defend. That’s not because they’re not doing it by the way.

Damn… And you’re a mod here? Anyone know of another community that is privacy focused and isn’t on A mod that doesn’t understand that closed source software with known ties to government entities is a problem.

Hell this isn’t even a “Dumb American” stance either (forget that I hold an eastern EU citizenship). has a whole section of “Concerns raised by other governments”. Virtually all of the EU also has this concern with Kaspersky. Additional countries included… It’s at the very least ODD that a company has such ties to a government. And the sheer PARANOIA that all “serious security experts” hold would immediately bar most of them from using the software due to that fact alone.

Hell it’s even typical for a security professional to outright block ALL Russian and Chinese internet traffic for their platform. Just because it’s not worth the effort to deal with those countries and all the risks that come with them. But right! This must be “Russophobe” and no “serious security expert” has a problem. You’re full of it dude(tte).

You are not one of those serious security people.

News to me… I guess I should turn in my CISO position. Who’s going to tell the R1 college that I taught at for years? All those thousands of students, many of which still reach out to me regularly and have made it quite far in industry?.. Hmm… Oh and it’s not an “appeal to fallacy” or any other logical fallacy when it’s me defending my own status from a bullshit claim.

Edit: for any non-admin 3rd parties wondering who downvoted me… 100% of those votes at the moment is or Take with that what you will. To me that screams “How dare you talk facts about the motherland” vibes.

Edit2: Oh they also edited their post to seem more normal… Their original post said

Any serious security expert is not a Russophobe and regards Kaspersky as the best commercial tool provider for malware analysis, based on merit and not on nationality. You are not one of them. I do not trust Bitdefender, Norton, McAfee and other western companies with CIA backdooring, and since CIA does use metadata to kill people (just like Yemen or Palestine), it is a clear cut choice.

So basically ANY software not Russian, you seem to not trust. Claim it’s on merit… But only point out nationality. Don’t you find that odd that Russia can’t do no harm either? Even though other companies do not have as clear cut ties to their governments?

Also lol at abusing one man instance to try and be a snitch on people. This tells a lot about you.

Edit3, after your edit:

Also lol at abusing one man instance to try and be a snitch on people. This tells a lot about you.

Activitypub is open by nature, kbin users can see everything that I’ve published. There’s no abuse happening here. Nor is my instance just one person/user. But you do you man.

Edit: turns out there are brainwormed redditors out here. Ignore their downvotes and you will be fine following advice.

Yeah… No. Pick any other reputable company.

Kaspersky is one of many Russian “oligarchs”

Edit: I think this paints the picture pretty clear… So worth adding to the discussion. Note the domains that are voting for this post vs not.

So you also believe that you can determine tone from text. What I see written is a call to action. While context could appear to make it light-hearted, it’s still a call to action. Very much akin to the “in minecraft” “meme” which didn’t pass muster and got someone arrested. Seems odd that a “privacy” caring moderator would tolerate even a “joke” based on taking away someone’s privacy. Jumping to the point of “let’s dox this guy” from where we were in the conversation was not a normal step. Nothing about a camera on private property equates to doxing someone. Just because I see a mail carrier on my cameras doesn’t mean I actually know anything about them. Jumping straight to doxing someone “as a joke” isn’t even reasonable in context if you FORCE a light-hearted nature to the comment.

Nowhere in my “defeatism” did I write a call to action (and if there was one it would be to write your representatives if you’re in the US to change the law) so I’m not sure why you’re equating them. Neither did I actually claim actual defeatism. I’m all for privacy. I’m a huge advocate for it. Someone’s right to their property is a completely different issue which is actually codified. Claiming that your right to privacy supersedes an actual right to property is a bit silly. That’s not “defeatism”.

I mean… find me a country that doesn’t allow you to install cameras on your own private property and I’ll admit defeat. How about that?

Edit: and since you’re already here moderator… How about you remove the call to action for doxing someone?

Reporter: Eevoltic
Reason: trolling. they keep replying to every comment saying the first ammendment or some other US thing is more important than privacy lol

Imagine reporting someone for actually contributing to the conversation. Imaging thinking that other countries don’t already have similar laws in place. Don’t you wonder how security cameras are a thing for businesses across literally the entire world?

Just because I outline what specific laws the US follow to allow it doesn’t mean other countries don’t allow it either. This is not a US centric problem. I would challenge you to find a country that DOESN’T Allow you to record your own property. Or I suppose you can just cry to more mod-mail.

But I will challenge that it’s not your space. You’re a Beehaw user. Not the server owners/administration. You have no “space” to call your own here. Keep in mind this thread actually lives on So you DEFINITELY don’t have any rights to this space.

Oh man. You’re worried about your neighbors cameras? Wait until you learn about all the stuff they put on traffic lights these days. If you’re on just about any public road, or adjacent properties/sidewalks, you’re ALREADY being recorded by the government. I wouldn’t worry all that much about a random doorbell camera. That’s just one data point. The traffic stuff can track you for miles. Hell… have an accident, your lawyer to subpoena the state for their footage.

For example…

Businesses have cameras…

You don’t have privacy out in public. It doesn’t exist. What you’re all advocating for is that property owners don’t have a right to install security systems on their own property. Or to record events on their property/in public. That’s just plain incorrect.

Hell I have signs posted on my door “No Soliciting” and “No Trespassing”. Guess how many people knock on my door that claim they’re not soliciting literally in the next line to talk about whatever company they represent. Literally violating the law and my rights without a care in the world. But I’m supposed to care when someone has an issue with a camera I own on my property recording my own stuff. Pretty absurd.

I downvoted you because you believe you can discern my feelings over text. Tone over text is notoriously hard to figure out… And I’m far from angry. If anything I’m disappointed that so many people believe they have a right that simply doesn’t exist. I do not make it a habit to respond to trolls who insinuate emotion when none is there to be divined.

I’ve also spend literally the whole thread proving everything I’ve stated. There is no “right” to privacy (outside of bathrooms and other private spaces [bedrooms as another example, but only in particular situations… baby monitors for example are not illegal] which is covered by law). There is an ultimate right to my own property… on which I install my cameras. Even if you believe you have a right to privacy, my rights to my property would supersede your rights on my private property regardless as you’d be committing a crime of trespassing at that point. Further we know that recording in public is 100% acceptable. Paparazzi use this right ALL the time. Including making a business on the matter of taking other people’s images while in public. You are not special. You do not have some magic right to privacy when in public or on someone else’s property.

The apartment scenario was not brought up initially and wasn’t brought up until many posts down. It’s irrelevant to the original discussion. But if you want to go to that point, I’d ask you to talk to your apartment managers. It’s their property to define rules on. No-one else can stipulate if it’s allowed or not. That’s it. If they declare the hallway/breezeway “public” then your neighbor has the de facto right to have a camera present. If they setup some other rule, then they as the property managers can block their right to record. Here’s a question for you though… Did you ask them to not record? Have you actually talked to your neighbor and voiced your concern in a reasonable way? They make kits to angle the camera 15-45 degrees off… you can ask them to install one of those so the camera doesn’t aim directly at your door. I would venture a guess you didn’t, you seem to have a hard time communicating in general as we see you do things like insinuate what emotions I’m writing from when it’s never clear in a pure text form.

2 days later Edit: Notice they’ll make a claim, and when forced to reconcile with their claim, they can’t back it up at all. 2 days to respond and they didn’t/can’t. Can’t even address the thread properly but has to go off on a wild tangent.

Yes. The First Amendment right supersedes any bullshit right to “privacy” in a public space. But that was never part of this discussion. They’re complaining about being recorded walking up to a door. Which will 100% always be someone else’s property and not public in the context of this discussion. So good job moving goalposts… even though that goalpost moving still doesn’t change the discussion at all.

Lmao. Doxing someone vs passively recording someone on your own property is not the same and you know it. First off, doxing as a premise is illegal in most of the USA.

But I’m well aware that what I post on my lemmy instance is public. That’s the nature of federation. But I will challenge that it’s not your space. You’re a Beehaw user. Not the server owners/administration. You have no “space” to call your own here. Keep in mind this thread actually lives on So you DEFINITELY don’t have any rights to this space.

Much to that point… The beehaw/ admins could look at the logs and see my instance information including IP addresses and such. It’s their property since I transmitted that data to them free and clear. Nothing wrong with that. And just like I posted in my post… I would hope they treat my data fairly like I do with my cameras. Which record to local storage. I don’t put your shit to some random cloud if you walk onto my property. But to be frank, I’m willing to bet that your instance is already hosted in some “cloud”. So Amazon or Azure (or whatever platform), already has the data. I’m probably treating people who trespass onto my property better than your instance treats your data. Let that sink in.

I didn’t arbitrarily decide anything. It’s literally the law.

Edit: If you need help figuring out why a security camera in the bathroom might be a problem. There’s no helping you.

Also you clearly didn’t read my post at all. On my system, nothing is sent to anyone except me. And as far as you being a courier. Choose a different job if it bothers you. I have a right to know who’s on my property… and oftentimes even a DUTY to know.

Edit2: Also there’s no such right as “right to privacy”. Which I even called out in my post. You have no right to privacy in public or on someone else’s property.

You have no right to privacy on my property (Exceptions being obvious things like bathrooms). If you want to “just” talk to me… then you hopefully already know me (otherwise that becomes soliciting/trespassing) and you would simply just text/call me.

So yes… It is too much to ask. As your complaint about cameras on my property and your supposed resolution of not having cameras on my property is depriving me of my right to do whatever the fuck I want on my own property within the bounds of the law. I also have a right and in many cases a duty to know who’s on my property and for what purpose they’re there.

Look… I’ll meet you in the middle here. I have 6 cameras that cover 360 degrees of my house (focused on my property, not my neighbors). All the processing to identify cars, cats, and people runs on servers in my garage and the video footage is stored on my 400TB storage node. So I’m not sending your image to the “cloud” to be raped by some faceless big corpo. But what I do on my property is none of your damn business and if you don’t like it… Don’t come on my property. Just like I don’t come onto your property and make demands of you.

It pisses me off that so many people put cameras on there door bells

Does it piss you off when they have sex out of wedlock in their house too? How dare they have a shed in their backyard that doesn’t match the HOA approved colors!

It kind of makes me want to go bonkers and have 12-14 visible CTV cameras pointing at the person to dares to come to my door

It’s your property… do whatever you want. Hell adding all those cameras like that with no purpose will alert your neighbors to what you are… clearly looney tunes levels of crazy.

It’s predatory from the get go. If you actually read any of these things they’re impossible to fully comprehend.

  1. Up to your device.
  2. Doesn’t matter what layer 1 is if higher layers are encrypted.

Nah, any advice you ever get on the internet should never be construed as legal (or medical, or <insert profession here>) advice. The whole “IANAL” and “IANYL” shit is stupid. You hired a lawyer and enter into contract with them to get proper advice. They don’t have to disclose their job/position to talk on the internet. Nor do I or any other person just to have a discussion.

I can only imagine the argument in court “He gave me advice on the internet and didn’t disclose if they were or weren’t a lawyer!”. I’m pretty sure every judge on the planet would just look at them the same way they look at Sovereign Citizens.

No. You don’t need “more” data. I have a coral in my security setup that does object recognition. I don’t “need” to send any data anywhere else for it to do object detection of 225 fps… Split across all 8 of my cameras I can do 28fps of object detection… You only need like 5-10 fps to do it properly.

The only thing I would need “more” data from is to just get newer/better object rules, which requires nothing from me. I just download them. Nothing goes to the cloud. They even make little cheapy nuc-style boxes that can do this type of detection these days (GMKtec for instance). There’s absolutely no reason a phone can’t do this as well. I am completely non-reliant on cloud for any of these operations.

Dahua/Loryta + Frigate + Home assistant

You can do object detection and recording with Frigate. Notifications and actions on events with Home Assistant.

You can use just about any camera with Frigate in general, but I prefer Dahua because that’s what’s tested by the frigate team… and the new PTZ features work great with the Dahua cameras. So a camera can watch a normal area… and if it detects a person (or whatever object you set) will lock onto that person and follow them around until it can’t any longer then return to the original “normal” position. It’s great.

The downfall is that this requires a lot of initial configuration effort on your end, but the software is all free, with no requirements to pay for anything at all outside of the hardware. Something else to keep in mind is that if you’re self-hosting… and the device you host on is stolen, the footage goes with it. There’s lots of little boxes on amazon that run Frigate really well. Anything with an N100 for instance will run many streams just fine (I have 3 cameras setup on the little guy for my grandfather to keep an eye on him, using about 1/8th the total resources, so could probably handle up to 10-12 cameras quite easily.)

A good chunk of that money is google ad money… I personally would like to see a Firefox that has no Google money in it at all.

Edit: Typo

Depends on the operation. Basic object recognition… your phone can easily do. Can run object database against an image after you take the image and store the found objects in metadata. Then you just search the metadata.

This doesn’t have to go to the cloud if that’s all you’re doing.

I do this on my Nextcloud instance. It doesn’t require a full “AI” implementation to do at all.

Their argument would be that the stalker having privacy allows them to do the stalking…

they are indeed unhinged. If everything was magically public like they wish. We’d have no resources as every government official would be outed for what they were hiding. Would be complete anarchy real fast.

It is. At least in all 6 states I’ve lived in.

Yep, one for the keychain… one for the gun safe.

It means that they haven’t reviewed them.

… okay? But if i subscribe to every lemmynsfw community, but never post to them… you’d have no idea.

With your own instance, looking at the instance list will show them all to anyone.

  1. Same thing ALL webpages can store on you. IP information and whatever information you directly furnish (username, password… etc.)
  2. Profile… and every post/message they send… that’s about it. If you consider the Admins as “other users”… then effectively everything. Mods are a bit less than admins.
  3. It’s send publicly but over https. So metadata/flow data. I would consider it MUCH less than admins.

Here’s a category you didn’t think of. 4) What information can OTHER instances get on you. If you subscribe to them, or post to somewhere that is federated… Then all your post data. up/down votes. etc…

Another thing to think of is WAF products like Cloudflare that does SSL interception.

Ultimately, ActivityPub (the standard that lemmy operates on) is not “secure” and isn’t trying to be at all. “Secure” isn’t it’s purpose. Instances will broadcast all your comments, posts, votes, messages,profile information, etc to other instances.

Yeah, I’m not onboard… I’d rather vet a single company (vpn provider) and keep track of their goings-on rather than trust that a system with many actors are trustworthy with no incentive to be. A VPN provider that claims to not track logs… but gets found out that it does… dies. There’s a direct incentive here.

This system? There’s no way that the money you pay for this SPN service is making it to all the exit/traversal nodes. There’s nothing that would stop any given node from being malicious… forget just basic vetting of each node would be a massive cost alone. We can trust encryption… but we already do that with https and other protocol level stuff too. At that point I might as well just trust my ISP if I have to infer trust into each node like this.

I get tor… I get it’s uses… I don’t get how this is adding all that much more to the topic from a security perspective if it’s only “tor-like” (not using tor nodes). Tor still has it’s own issues as well.

Seems that it’s automatic split tunneling by application/stream. And with multiple out nodes. So basically split tunnel + tor? Still requires that you trust the app itself, the exit nodes, every node along the way, etc…