• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Since we all no that Google’s products aren’t privacy friendly at all what privacy friendly alternatives are there to Google Lens?

Why you shouldn’t use a SIM card and use an hotspot as an alternative
The video discusses the privacy concerns associated with SIM cards in mobile phones, highlighting three main reasons to be cautious. First, it explains how SIM cards enable constant location tracking through communication with cell towers. Second, it delves into the autonomy of SIM cards, particularly proactive SIMs that can send hidden messages to the cell network without the user's knowledge. Lastly, it explores the potential risks of having too much control centralized on a single device, particularly in terms of split tunneling with VPNs. Then Naomi shares personal reasons for not using a SIM card in her phone, emphasizing alternatives such as relying on WiFi, using an anonymous Calyx hotspot, or considering mobile hotspots. The benefits of these alternatives include increased privacy, the ability to control VPN usage, and reduced exposure to potential hidden messages sent by SIM cards. The video also touches on potential downsides, such as the need to carry multiple devices and potential connectivity issues when using hotspots.

Been using it for half a year I really like it because they haven’t had any big controversy, they have all the features that I need and their business is located pretty close to where I live.

I use Tutanota I think it’s a really good private email client.

At nearly any gas station in NRW, Germany it’s this way as well and I absolutely hate it.

For an email client you should check out Tutanota been using it for about 5 months now.

This is nothing new It has existed for 3 years now.

Yeah I actually never tought T-Mobile would ever create such a great video. This really needs to be shared so we don’t have kids in the future that have disadvantages because of parents that just share everything publicy.

Know the consequences of sharing stuff about your kids
So today I found this actually amazing Telekom Campaign about the consequences of sharing stuff about your kids. Every parent should watch this it needs to go viral since it's an extremly important topic in todays age. Please watch following video (Highly reccomend it): https://youtu.be/F4WZ_k0vUDM Piped Alternative Link: https://piped.video/F4WZ_k0vUDM