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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


Honestly, it depends a lot on where you’re coming from and what you look like

Look European. Don’t be Asian and especially don’t be African. Got it.

You can also use your camera to scan the qr when seeing the person in person.



Literally killed the 3.5mm to increase profits

Acts holier than thou

I’d go with Signal or Threema

Signal: Best data protection. They are on a different level from anyone else. They even reimplemented gif search through their app so it can be anonymised (instead of the data-collecting gif search in your keyboard). Just an example, they really try. Also has a desktop app that doesn’t need the mobile app to be running. Downsides are google dependency (for push notifications - but they’re empty, the encrypted data does never even touch google) and required linking to phone numbers. They do have usernames now so you don’t have to give out your phone number to talk to someone. Behind it is an US based non profit - whether that is a downside everyone can decide for themselves.

Threema: No need for phone number, not even a credit card, you can buy it anonymously through their website. No google services required. Swiss based company, so much better laws than USA. Finance themselves through the one time fee of 2 USD and through their corporate offers, no nags for donations, no selling of data. Downsides are server code is not open source, and their protocol is less good than Signals, but still reasonably secure. They’re working on a new one though. Also no independent desktop app yet (also working on it).

Danes annoying Swedes on purpose? I am shocked! Shocked I say!

It’s not just the verbosity, it’s also the complexity

Any encryption worth being called that randomises itself such that the same file, encrypted twice with the same key, produces completely different ecrypted versions.

To put it another way, if similarities in files could be detected despite their encryption, then the encryption would be worthless.


Not really news. Proton follows the law. If they get a Swiss court order they will comply.

If you want to do illegal (under Swiss law) things, proton won’t cover you.

You’re probably on an older release of the backdoored package.

Nope, Debian uses a version from before the backdoor

Firefox allows for the full ublock origin on mobile.

This is most likely because the app keeps retrying. If it were successful, the number would be much lower.

Your reply made little sense to me, I only just now understood where it comes from.

You probably think I am arguing in bad faith, just like the racists saying “all lives matter” as a dog whistle. I assure you, this is not the case. The crimes of Israel are terrible war crimes and those responsible need to be tried in an international court of human rights. The same goes for those responsible for the concert massacre.

I am saddened that people feel compelled to pick a side in this stupid an unnecessary war and then ignore, or at the very least excuse, the crimes of the side they picked.

The assholes of both the Israeli and the Hamas leaderships are complete and utter cunts. Normal people suffer because of their power politics. I hope you can see that.

Israel committing war crimes

Israel has a right to self-defense

Did you know that both of these statements can be true at the same time?

Guys. The person running the website you use always can do and see everything

This has nothing to do with lemmy

page summarisation

I see a future where the journalist gives the LLM two sentences and asks it to spit out a 2000 word article out of that.

The user then asks the LLM to Tl;Dr the article down to the two core sentences.

Same probably for business email. Jane goes “send an email to Joe saying no.” The LLM goes “dear joe… we appreciate… your valuable conteibution… unfortunately at this time… cannot consider… looking forward… thanks for … whatever”. Joe then clicks the “summarise” button and gets “Jane says no”.

Amazing how far we’ve come.

tell me do you avoid every product Nestle makes?

Yes, actually. If you don’t buy processed foods it’s very easy.

there’s at least a dozen other mega companies I imagine you can’t.

Try me.

Just so you understand, you aren’t downvoted because you have a different opinion. You are downvoted because the conversation is basically this:

Post: Company does evil and shit things!

You: Well the majority lets them so I will too and so should you.

Others: We should not let company do evil.

You: Haha but majority lets them so I will too and you should too!

See how stupid it is?

Just don’t buy it. It’s very simple.

I can’t help but be impressed by how well the fascist propaganda works. They have apparently managed to convince at least some people that communism means that the state will own all children and that families will no longer exist. If they can convince people of something as completely absurd as this, they can convince them of anything.

if its that easy to breach why govt’s keep banning telegram for not giving them userdata

Same reason they ask Apple for backdoors even though they crack iPhones routinely. It’s about legal precedent.