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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


On Xiaomi it’s very easy to remove whatever you want without rooting. Here’s a 3:30 min video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_rqhoMpr_Y

Why would Vivaldi be for “not too much privacy concious”?

human generated

Hehe I wonder when a label “human generated” will become a mark of quality and rarity.

There’s no such thing as legitimate interest. Reject what you can, block everything else with adblockers.

Having the location feature enabled is already against privacy in the first place.

That is true but then it applies to everything and you can’t pick and choose which app to filter and which not (I exclude banking app for example), what level of filtering you want for each app (my phone is not rooted so there are some apps which will reject https filtering), and additionally I can quickly turn off and on filtering in the app for example when there’s a need for troubleshooting why something is not loading etc. In short, with an app you have more control and access to stats:

AdGuard can filter all (or select) traffic blocking ads in other apps.

Came here to say this. If you upload pictures to instagram, they are already being processed by Facebook (“Meta”). If you have an online backup of your photos Google/Apple cloud, then they are alredy being processed.

A github project that actually includes in the description screenshots of the app they want you to install??? That does look too good to be true.

Chicks like baby pictures and they are 50% of society.

I use the Android (currently 6.44.3) version, but the survey requires logging in so I won’t vote.

The answer is: Yes, WhatsApp is bad for privacy.

Are you really asking about privacy of a Facebook’s app?

Didn’t notice the “droid-ify” part, whatever that is. Install apps from trusted sources like F-Droid or dev’s website and you don’t need Google to scan your phone and tell you what you can or cannot install.

The police confiscated the 1.058m yuan ($145,092) Ma had earned as a software developer between September 2019 and November 2022, describing it as “illegal income,” as well as fining him 200 yuan ($27).

I’m trying to find the article but it looks like just a question?

Local lets you customize what you want to block, which lists to subscribe to and quickly change settings or disable blocking which is useful for troubleshooting when something doesn’t load. However local apps (I’m talking smartphone apps) can be blocked or routing https traffic through those apps can be refused by the apps you are filtering.

DNS filtering will let you filter all your devices at once but I don’t think you have much control over what’s exactly being blocked and it’s less convenient to pause filtering (switch DNS).

If you’re talking about tracker blocking on PC rather than mobile then it’s a no brainer - use uBlock Origin addon your browser and you’re golden.

You could monitor network traffic to find out.

I have tried many browsers in my life and Vivaldi is hands down the best of them. Customizable, fast, reliable, virtually no issues with it. Yes, it runs on Chromium, but Chromium != Google spying on you. https://vivaldi.com/blog/vivaldi-different-from-chrome/

What isn’t talked about enough is the mobile browser. It repects user issued certificates and allows me to filter the traffic with AdGuard, which other browsers don’t. Also it’s I think the only mobile browser with actual tabs bar. What’s more, you can move the tab bar to the bottom of the screen for easier access, you can even rearrange or stack tabs. Seriously, Vivaldi for the win.

I’m in the process of migrating to Proton from Gmail and Outlook. All 4 mailboxes imported, now just the tedious job of updating credentials on all the websites remains…

Your landlord tells you no smoking in the house and you do it?

When I did smoke cigarettes, I would go outside not to have a smelly appartment. I did keep smoking joins inside with prejudice though, it’s not like they’d visit to check up on me.

the real estate agent communicates between my landlord and myself via WhatsApp group chat?

That’s dystopian… The agency has my e-mail to send me bills and occasionally some important residential information, they have my phone number for absolute emergencies, other than that I don’t want to hear from them or… chat with them? I’m still processing why do you need to be in a group chat or how can landlord force you to install an app on your phone. What if you don’t have a smartphone? It’s not like it’s obligatory to have one.

Renting an apartment is a mutual agreement for which you pay your rent, it’s not like they are doing you a favour or anything, and you behave like you’re their slave or something.

Then ask the pricipal to show you your written constent and make this gesture: 🤌

if your landlord requires you to download WhatsApp, or any other app to communicate, you do it.

Your landlord tells you what apps to download on your phone and you do it? What parallel reality do you live in?

It’s not about what people want, it’s about what them want people to use.

The title is misleading, the law will not let you to “opt out of advertising” completely but from using your private data for targeted advertising. So it’s a progress on better privacy but the best solution still seems to be using uBlock Origin with proper subscriptions to just block all the ads and tracking scripts.

I always look for apps on fdroid first if I need something

Me too, and if it’s not there then I recently discovered Aurora Store which let’s you download from Google Play anonymously and is itself available on F-Droid.

Reminds me I should tip them

Nice try, Philip J. Fry!

Some of these test cases don’t matter if you just use uBlock Origin.

I don’t think that’s true, I don’t have the app and I was able to play SC2 not that long ago. I think you can disable 2FA in account settings.

Secondary e-mail address, security questions, recovery key, physical key fob - from the top of my head. Better or worse, the point is - it doesn’t have to be a phone number.