United Airlines starts serving passengers personalized ads on seat-back screens
United's Kinective Media is the latest example of how airlines have adopted new revenue streams such as cobranded cards.

The carrier on Friday said it launched a media platform to serve travelers personalized advertisements on seat-back screens and in its app, among other platforms, as it seeks to leverage customer data.

welp time to carry 100ml black spray paint

I’m okay IF the ads were only from novels of my liking. Never gonna happen though…

Hmmm, yeah, see? This is why they shouldn’t be allowed to call the ads they have now, “personalized” when they’re really not.

“unfortunately your In-Flight Engagement Actions ™️ did not meet the requirements to qualify you for in flight perks such as entertainment and meals”

“Please ensure you are looking directly at the screen while ads are playing to accumulate In-Flight Engagement Actions ™️”

Coming soon to an airline near you.

WTF man, I pay for the tickets and now I have to watch ads???

We paid for cable and streaming services too. They’ll milk us to dust, then run ads on the remaining pile.


I guess the best way now is to download a 4K movies onto a laptop and bring it with you on your trip


Afaik it’s a thin margin sector. I’ve even heard of pilots paying to fly during bad periods.


ability to reach engaged customers

Not sure that being stuck to a spot in a tube you can’t just escape (and easily live) from is the same as “engaged”.

not flying united anymore, thanks for the tip

I’m going to bring tape and construction paper to cover it up. Double sided sticky tape

Skip the construction paper, just use a magazine

Super glue seems appropriate 🤔

I’ll fuckin scratch the screen with my keys

Yeah. This. This is what will send me to live in a commune.

Novadays they also use biometric to enter

This is why you bring tape and a few pieces of paper in your carry-on

I launch baseball cap pulled down on my eyes

deleted by creator

Flying is still the safest mode of travel.

deleted by creator

Possibly linux

And now I will never fly United again. Time to move on

I bet soon more airlines will follow. Our cars are no different either. No much options left for traveling.

Possibly linux

I will not travel then. I refuse to be violated.

I admire your conviction. But in that case we also have to consider how your right to move about freely is being affected. If you feel like you need to choose not to travel when you want or need to travel, how will you reconcile? Do you weigh and choose the lesser evil? Seems like you just end up violated one way or another. I don’t like it, not any of this.



I can ignore ads on a motherfucking plane just like I can everywhere else. It’s just another insult to paying customers added to the pile.

We noticed you may not be fully appreciating the information provided by our valued partners. We’re increasing the volume and raising your seat to help you experience them better – your friends at United

Oh good. Because if there’s a profile of my advertising preferences out there, it knows that when I am forced to view an ad, I look away from the screen, turn off the volume, sigh dramatically, and say “Fuck <this product> right in the ass.”

Personalize away.

Naw, they’ll find some way to “incentivize” (punish you for not) viewing ads and enforce it with eye tracking.

You & me both, friend.

I work for a company that does marketing, and they are seriously struggling right now because TV and Social media ads are getting more expensive, while at the same time becoming less effective.

Yes. This is true.

Because ads suck and people hate them. Whats the new way? Be good at what you do so people talk about your brand. Show up in searches when I’m looking for you. That’s it.


Astonishing! Who would have thought that be the case? Actually doing the work instead of paying your way to success? That cant be correct! /s

God forbid the enormous amount of money be poured into the actual product rather than spamming an inferior one.

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