Mostly on my Lemmygrad and Hexbear accounts. But still like and the people on here. Not a liberal, conservative, or a fucking fascist! The masses need to wake up and see how much we have been and continue to be lied to by those that want us to stay dumb and hating each other!

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: May 08, 2021


Probably a good move for them to make tbh. I like how CrowdStrike’s name already sounds like it should be the name of a big malware/virus/zeroday. So we should have seen it coming.

A friend of mine’s dad worked in some capacity of pigs. Which lead to my friend finding out that some people had either by really random luck in attempting something like the comic or also finding out from interacting with pigs. That in the city I lived in, there is like a “panic” signal that auto calls for lots of help that involved hitting a specific letter or number multiple times. For some reason I want to say it was maybe either zero or O, but I don’t remember off hand.

So when they would be quickly inputting a plate with enough taps and not thinking, shit would cause resources to be pulled and wasted. Not great for attracting attention to the driver since it is basically pulling aggro. But could be great for moving attention from somewhere else.

Glitch art clothing would be dope even if it didn’t help with AI fuzzing.

Maybe Cryptpad would be a good option if you need spreadsheets more than documents.

If she cares about aesthetics but is fine with the current functions. Maybe there is a way to do some kind of low level mod of the outside that wouldn’t mess with the actual sound? I am not a case modder on really any level. But with all the folks that love making stuff “theirs,” I would bet there are guides about changing the look of basic speakers. Or even audio shops that do custom builds that could allow for her to get the aesthetics (and even mean more) while keeping the functions that you want to keep. Though I also imagine that it would cost more up-front, but I think that we are going to see stuff that isn’t “smart” or requiring accounts tied to apps that will eventually stop working artificially be the most expensive options.

But those “dumb” devices will last many years longer. Just really hate how these current “premium” brands make shit that is both less well made AND constantly sell off our data. Also bullshit that the concept of repairing stuff is being made basically pointless as they make sure it costs around the same or more than buying the new one.

ability to reach engaged customers

Not sure that being stuck to a spot in a tube you can’t just escape (and easily live) from is the same as “engaged”.

More like open windows that were painted to make shutting them almost impossible.

What did you do to freeze your stuff? And how do you thaw it for stuff, and how long does it take? I did go ahead and make my My Social Security account after seeing your comment though!

Mastodon and other federated platforms are still confusing to normies and less ideologically-minded users. Aside from that, unless VLC starts hosting their own instance, it is hard to say if the particular one they decide to use will stick around. They can relocate by taking some extra steps of course. But they would likely care to put that effort into making VLC Player better instead of into social media. For now at least. X has been more or less the same for a long time (even with the past couple of years) for what they use it for. I am sure they would like to be on an open platform over propriety if that were the only difference. And nothing is stopping them from using both at the same time in order to reach as many people as possible.

Bookmarking this to help motivate customers that still install Avast (and AVG for that matter) and just click “yes” to all the extra “features” being installed. Some even pay for the shit and just get a very slow and distracting PC from just so many apps just running and keep popping notifications advertising more “protection” levels to buy. So many people fall victim to scams that abuse the built-in Windows OS and all browsers’ notification systems. And the supposed programs that claim to be “speeding up your PC and keeping you protected” are non-stop the same tactics.

Avast, AVG, and Norton (which I think are all owned by the same company if I remember correctly) love installing their bullshit Chromium browsers and default to launching on startup and take over being the OS default. This is peak capitalism for the AV world. No value and charge you more and more even after you pay for it all.

Auto-moderation is both lazy and is only going to get worse. Not saying there isn’t some value on things being hard-banned (like very specific spam like shit that just keeps responding to everything with the same thing non-stop). But these mega outlets/sites want to just use full automation to ban shit without any human interactions. At least unless you or another corp has connections on the inside to get a person or people to fix it. Just like how they make it so fucking hard to ever reach a person when calling (or trying to even find) a support line.

This automated shit just blacklists more and more shit and can completely fuck over people that use those sites for income (and they even can’t reach a person when their income is cut off for false reasons and don’t get back-pay for the period of a strike/ban). The bad guys will always just keep moving to a new word or phrase as the old ones get banned. So we as users are actually losing words and phrases and the actual shit is just on to the next one without issues.

I agree with you is the TL;DR, and the rest is just my mad ranting opinions about companies being allowed to just auto-censor us. So feel free to completely ignore the rest. lol.

It is like just banning words and phrases just because bad people use them has just become the norm. I really really can’t stand the way that channels on YT constantly have to self-censor basically everything (even if the video is just reporting on or trying to explain bad shit that is or has happened). And it never seems to actually stop the actual issues from happening. Just means the bad people just move on to a new word or phrase that is then itself banned. It isn’t about actually stopping fucked-up shit from happening. It is just about making sure advertisers and other sources of money don’t throw a fit.

We always hear about how places like China are bad in-part for censoring words and speech. But in the US and other western nations we pretend we are allowed to freely speak uncensored. We have always had censoring of speech, it is just that the real rulers of the country are allowed to do it instead. Keeps the government’s hands free from legally being the enforcers of doing it to us. Shit like CP is fucked, and it should be handled for what it is, but allowing for-profit companies and especially their algorithms/AI to decide what we can and can’t say or search for without any level of human interactions that very much lead to false bans is also fucked.

It is waaaay too easy for all the mega corps to completely take down channels and block creators from revenue of their own work just completely automated. But the accused channel can’t ever get a real person to both get clear understanding of what and who is attacking them, and to explain why their strike/bans aren’t valid. I have heard that even channels that have gotten written/legal permission from a big studio to use a clip of music or segment from video (music being the worst) will STILL catch automated strikes for copyright violations.

We don’t need actual government censors, because the mega corps with all the money are allowed to do it for them. We have rights but they don’t really matter if they can say a private company or org made up of people from various mega corps are allowed to do it for them.

Not providing any channels (the ones I know the most about are listed by OP and commenters), but more about non-YT versions of channels about privacy being on YT. For people that use YT but are open to LBRY/Odysee/PeerTube. I have found these extensions to be great for quickly seeing if a channel is also on those services. If anyone knows of others like these, I would like to know about them. And for anything that isn’t also on them of course Invidious instances are great for at least having some amount of privacy while dealing with YT (at least until Google finds some way to stop them from working).

Disclaimer: I am not a dev (or these or anything) or an auditor of security, so I can’t say how good or bad these are outside of personally finding them useful. I also am not affiliated with them and again just find them good for seeing if non-YT versions of channels exist.


For Odysee:

For PeerTube:

Slight modification to my point as I think I was meaning to say that they could have a separate system in the first sentence. Like maybe there isn’t one right now (as you point to by stating that folks have fully disassembled current cars), but they could add one or more as they gain profits from either directly using the data or (more likely) from selling the data.

As for the later point you made about them not bothering for the <0.1% of people. How long is it worth just assuming that they won’t do it as they try to find any and all ways to generate profits? They could start moving to the Apple repair tactics of requiring parts to be paired to the vehicle and require “calibration” using their tightly controlled systems in order to have very basic things work correctly. Which removing fuses to those data mining “features” could start shit like a constant system error check light or artificially disable unrelated things.

Honestly feel free to just stick to the top two paragraphs. I went down a rant rabbit hole beyond my initial point. But leaving it here as it still has some amount of value (not sure how much and to whom).

To use Apple again, if you replace a display with a third-party or even a real part but not one they sent you directly (and therefore isn’t a valid repair listed for your phone). You all of a sudden get a list of “scary” sounding warning alerts all the time about how the parts can’t be verified or calibrated. Which then leads to shit like auto-brightness, truetone colour, and even one or more cameras not working or pictures taken not saving/not being post processed with their software that makes the images look as good as they do. All that because the screen was replaced that they didn’t approve of. Sure some things like bio-metrics might make some sense to be disabled due to the non-zero chance that someone could put a hacked part on that could maybe possibly steal your shit for gaining access to your device/account/money. But shit can’t dim or do basic shit (even if the replacement is a real part).

Given how drastically so many companies of all kinds are finding it harder and harder to make numbers go up for the shareholders (which is a legal duty to do literally everything possible to do so). Especially as prices for everything are being artificially upped under the pretend guise of “inflation”. But it is really more about how they have to charge more so that those shareholders and the top level people can keep making more (but not workers). The level of data mining for passive income is invading all of our shit at levels that really should be freaking more people out. More of these car companies that were bragging about having built-in CarPlay/Android Auto a couple of years ago are now removing them in order to artificially require using rebranded access to them. Locked behind yet another subscription that they can just stop allowing to work every few years. Got to install their apps on your devices. Going to get worse as they find more and more things to “require” having their app. Even if not using your car at the time, it can try to find out what you do and where.

We at the very least need to have all that shit controlled in the interest of users/buyers with very clear legal requirements that at least it be very easy to see a full list of what is, how it is, why it is, and where it is being collected from. And it needs to be legally required that these lists or whatever are written in ways that someone with an 8th grade level of education can read and understand. So no just having an insane amount of super micro tiny legalize TOS stuff like we see with everything currently and hidden away in some cases. Each model of every car with every trim/add-on package should have that list in both print manuals in each car, and have it permanently (and very very easily to locate) on that manufacturer’s site.

But it is also likely that the car companies have a separate system in the car’s computer that acts independently of the main infotainment system for sending data. Even if you aren’t paying for any of the “extras/add-ons”, it could still get information from your phone just being used with Bluetooth or ping your WiFi if it is on and your phone visible. Also given how much more actively these companies are all trying to get passive income from our data. I wouldn’t be shocked if the other commenter’s point about getting all kinds of “errors” popping up if disabled (especially if a fuse is pulled/modified). We already see that non-car companies like John Deere go to some big levels to remove your control over something you bought and DRM shit that has zero reason outside of forcing us to pay only them for repairs. We as people aren’t allowed to control both our physical devices or our data, and big corps are just allowed to skim everything and sell it to any other parties that pay for it. Hell even our legal system and enforcement are allowed to bypass our rights that prevent search and seizure by just going to these companies instead of us.

Yeah but those supposed companies that “needed those malicious practices to stay competitive” also could have done the thing Mozilla is now doing. Could even use direct knowledge and proof of those practices in a big ad campaign about how they actively don’t want all your info. This “doing it because everyone is doing it” headspace is one of the many corpo versions of “just following orders.” I understand the point you are making, but it isn’t like any of these companies are too small to fight back. Allowing this kind of thing (beyond just this specific instance) just further gaslights us at a consumer level into continued abuse being normalized and okay. Which makes it even harder to do anything about it.

Just like with how we see that a major amount of voters literally just give up and see everything as pointless in doing anything (and that is assuming that they even know about any information at all). Or how we are trained to only see one or two day polite marches in protest of something as being the whole “fight” and just go home. But when people don’t just go home or “stay out of normal people’s ways” it is seen as those protesters being “unrealistic” or even “assholes in the way.” The whole point of protests is to literally be as in the way of “normal life” as possible to push whatever change they are fighting for.

I just got done switching over to Aegis the other day all because of the syncing and backup features.