Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 25, 2021

Happy Net Box by Ben Brown
Happy Net Box is an experimental internet social experience based on the arcane and near-forgotten retro internet protocol known as [FINGER]( Finger is a command line tool that comes pre-installed on Macs and Windows and most Unix systems. It allows you to retrieve information about a "user" on "the internet" -- but it doesn't use the web!

The most private in your home with your friends and some beer.

They don’t have information about the content of the mails, but same as any other mail provider the account data and the IP, this is the data which they can provide to the police. The rest are informations from the ISP and from own investigations of the police itself. Because of this the title that “Proton discloses user data leading to arrest in Spain” is somewhat sensationalist.

Some articles eg in Nature are behind an account wall. This sit don¡t skip it, but redirect to the original paper if exist.

Logically, any service, whether private or not, is required by law to reveal the user data they have, if there is a court order for a criminal investigation. Proton cannot refuse, if it does not want to face a complaint that could even lead to the closure of its service. That is, in this headline the “Proton Mail” can be replaced by any other email, host, chat, social network, VPN, Lemmy, it can occur in any of them. As said, read TOS and PP of what you use

Not so difficult to sync yor photos or movies with an Cloud server

Yo can use the image sharer, it removes also the exif data by default uploading images there.

Banning encryption was idea from the conservative and right wing parties, but no proceed. It’s not all perfect in the EU, but in these aspects light Years from the USA, which we also notice in the EU products of the big brother companies. f not, the fines are drastic.

eg Microsoft US vs Microsoft EU

The base problem is the lack of an US privacy Policy, which don’t exist. In the EU an invasive surveilling like this is only possible after an court order on investigated persons because of an crime, or in case of certain events where there is a high risk of an attack, but this decision never depends on the police themselves.

Yes, hard times for Google, Amazon, MS, Fakebook & cia

There isn’t a paywall, only a subscription banner which you can close.

Only in the EU the browser companies can use their own engine in iOS, in the USA they only can use Apple WebCrapKit

That isn’t the point, it is not that you can select a browser, it’s about that you can select only an another browser after selecting Safari, not in the first setup in a new iPhone (smooth and fast?WTF, every phone in this priceclass is, maybe even more)

Ehm, yes and no, it can only if the sponsorblock is marked as such in the Video, but not if, for example the author, while he speaks about his teme, also said that he also want to agree the Energy Drink which sponsor his vids, presenting the Brand. That can’t avoid none of the sponsor block scripts, because its in the same video presentation.It’s exactly this what ocurres more and more.

I’m since a half year withot ads since I use these scripts, obviously not detected by YT in their battle with uBO and other known adblocker extensions.Userscripts are a really good alternative to mainstream extensions and independent from the stores. In Greasyfork and OpenuserJS are very interesting scripts you can use. Using them with Greasymonkey or Violentmonkey or in Vivaldi installing them directly as extensions (but then you must update these by hand)

For me YT is without ads using Violentmonkey with these scripts:

But there are more and more YouTubers which promote products in their Videos and promotional videos between the shorts and other in the suggestions list, but at least they can be ignored or skipped.

I’m using it, but mostly only as Proxie. it also avoid a lot of ads in the Android apps. I2P and TOR network only occasional. It’s a good app and FOSS.

Legitimate interests may be those that allow the functionality of the service as such (eg. technical details), all others are blocked or fed with false data to make it clear to them, where they can introduce these “legitimate interests” with Vaseline.

In the EU the law always permits to access the user data and can force the network owner to give this data, if he had accss to these, normally not possible with encrypted datas. But anyway the law only can force the webowner or the ISP to give the user data only with a court order in a crime investigation. Without this, the big middle finger. But I think that it isn’t needed in Fakebook, X, etc, probably for these is enough a phone call (US laws)

There is a general rule, the longer and more claused a TOS/PP is, the more they intend to hide. TOS and PP are legal documents and companies are required by law to specify their policy, if they track and profile the user they must specify it in these documents, for this reason they try to use long texts with a lot of legal jargon as much as possible, so that the user gets bored of reading it completely and does not understand even half of it. Tosdr is fine, but lacks still the analysis of much sites, now with the proliferation of AI services even further. Only very few have a TOS/PP like eg Andisearch, most others are welcome tools used by large corporations to collect user data.

Yes, but same of other free maps, is only another fork of OSM.

The EU standard also leaves much to be desired, although it is still light years away from the (non-existent) US regulation. Now, the terms must be separated, it is legitimate for a company to finance its services, either by a monthly payment, or by placing advertisements. What is not legitimate is placing advertisements based on the user’s activities and data that are recorded and sold to third parties, because this, apart from a violation of the right to privacy, is also a real risk for the user, since they have no more control over this data and how it is used or protected. Dozens of sensitive data leaks (banking, medical and others) in the past from Fakebook, Google, Amazon… clearly show this risk. It is therefore to be welcomed that the EU cuts off the tap on these companies.

Even problems to watch a lot of Videos in FreeTube, it listed the Videos, but don’t reproduce them. Because of this I put SMplayer as extern player, which don’t have problems to reproduce almost everything. Other possibility is to search the YT video in Andisearch, which permits to watch it sandboxed without ads in the searc results, or embedded and proxied, if the Video is restricted outside from YT (clicking on the video in this case). Front ends certainly are going worst, the best which stil work fine are LightTube and ViewTube, PokeTube for some Vids. In YT Itself you can watch it still without ads, tracking and/or nags, using these scripts in Violentmonkey or Greasymonkey, Tampermonkey is also valid, but it is proprietary soft.


Ultimate YouTube Ad Remover and Detection Bypasser

A lot of YTubers are changing to Odysee because of this crap.

For image tracking it’s enough to use Imgur for sharing, for any image, even own ones, no AI image needed. I miss the bot in Lemmy which redirects Videos to Piped, when Imgur is worst. Better alternatives, like File Coffee or, made in the EU are desirable.

I use Andisearch, it’s AI, summarizing and explaining better than Perplexity and apart one of the most private search engine out there (active protection), anonymous use, no logs, no ads, no cookies, own reader mode of websites, embedded and sandboxed YT videos in the search result.

Anyway on Windows the Optimizer is an must have app. It is the best to cut M$'s bad habits

The can do a lot regarding the browser, but the flaw can be the dependency of the Chrome Store, controlled by Google. In Vivaldi most of the extensions in the Chrome Store are redundant, because of own inbuild features, also with a own e2ee sync service.

I doubt that any of the smartwatches is really private, at least it can’t be more private than your phone by definition.

Also not Vivaldi, gutting out Google since 9 Years.

It’s also open to install any userscript directly, without the need of Tamper- or other monkey, if needed. The only problem for other Chromium are the by Google gutted extensions in the Chrome Store

There are dozends of DNS providers, there isn’t a monopoly. Eg I mostly use Quad9, because is one of the fastes and reliables, apart nothing to do with Google.

That is what a lot of people don’t understand, incognito mode only delete the local storage of the browser data (cookies, cache, service workers, etc), the Cookie Autodelete or SiteBleacher extensions do exact the same in normal browsing, but don’t prevent that the web pages log the activity in their server, they see you in the same way as in the normal mode, your IP, browser you use, OS, fingerprints, etc…if you don’t use a VPN. The issue is that in the case of Chrome your activity data is sended to Google, independent of incognito or normal browsing.

Strange things are in the US. The only good adblocker which ocurres me for this

Easy, encrypt your data before uploading it.

Mozilla has signed a contract with the devil, this is their problem. Although Mozilla is very privacy focused, its movement is limited to what Google allows. It is always a problem when a company depends on external investors, since they have a say in the decisions it may have. They may object to accepting FloC or other Google mechanisms, because Google does not require them to do so, because it already has its googleanalytics and googletagmanager built into Mozilla with which they obtain their data. I only hope that Mozilla manages to free itself from this contract this year, as it has announced, because only then will it have a free hand to be truly private.

It’s only a problem in browsers which log the user activity, also if the user use Google for searches.

Wi-Fi Password On Post-It Note
Couldn't help but share 😂

A privacy focused search engine without logs or trackers, own index and above all, the special feature to show in the search result the ads, trackers and other crap waiting for us in every listed page. ![]( Clicking in the icon marked with the arrow for an complete analytic in ![]( To insert the search engine in the browser ``

Dark Patterns
Curious website that explains how pages want to deceive you with examples (save to use and not taken very seriously)

To escape from the big corporations of the USA, as a user we have two options, either to use OpenSource alternatives, although not all of them they are free of influences from Google, MS, etc., or using products and services of European companies, which in general are rather more aimed at protect privacy (GDPR), although only a few are known to most. This is why I thought of using this thread to complete a list of the better European alternatives, starting with the link I put opening this thread.

Suggesting: Embedding images and files
Every time when a YouTube video is embedded in Lemmy, a bot appears, suggesting to use Front-end Piped (or another) instead of YT, which is certainly recommended, due to YouTube's inherent privacy concerns. However, then it is not understandable, why in the case of images Imgur links are happily allowed, which is infinitely worse in terms of privacy, which shares user and usage data with the worst existing advertising companies, which makes it in little less than spyware. ![]( ![]( As a suggestion I present 2 alternatives, which in addition to, as EU products, strictly adhere to the GDPR standard and even more. As the main [FileCoffee]( service, this, apart from images, supports ALL types of files, whether multimedia, video, documents, presentations or texts. Supports 15 MB/file and with optional registration to also use it as a personal host (100% free with mail, password) up to 30 MB/file, encrypted. Inclusions script one click for ShareX on Windows or MagicCap on Linux or Mac The second is [](, also privacy oriented, but supports only images, encryption, 20 MB/image, EXIF Data are removed, API for web pages.